
Medical professionals only benefits of aloe vera juice?

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ive had problems with my stomach for a year now my doctor thinks it could be IBS but hes not sure and i keep having test after test,i read an article that aloe vera juice can soothe stomachs with IBS and make the symptoms better,anyone with same symptoms who have tried aloe vera or medical professionals out there to give me some advice thank you.




  1. You specifically asked for a profession comment, well I am afraid here it is ' Its worthless!'

    Unfortunately so are most of the conventional managements of IBS. Good news, high fibre diet helps 50% of patients with IBS. Bad news, it makes the other 50% worse!  Colpermin, the specific for IBS, which is in fact just peppermint oil concentrate, seldom works and often produces severe heartburn. Psychotherapy, often suggested, is time consuming and has a high fail rate.

    The only thing I have ever found to work, conventional or otherwise, with any consistency, is low dose amitriptylline. The seldom used antidepressant probably helps IBS by acting as a smooth muscle relaxant working on the bowel wall. It can be combined with antispasmodics, which reduce the bowel spasm, and high fibre diet as well, if you are in the 50% of patients who respond positively to this.

  2. 100% in a agreeance with Dr Frank, Professionally and medically speaking it's USELESS. There are no benefits, the medically uneducated on here will tell you there is, but you cannot argue with Science.

  3. it's very very soothing to your stomach and your throat and has a lot of vitamins and minerals that make you healthy :)

  4. I regret you only limited this question to medical professionals then opened it up to others - great.

    For IBS I would recommend keep taking the Aloe Vera juice along with capsules when you can't drink the juice.

    Also Jordan Ruben's Garden of Life Products. Especially.....Primal Defense.

  5. As well as Aloe Vera Juice. you could try other juices... Juice has been known to cure all sorts of illnesses and help with the symptoms, what have you to lose?

    The juice helps because the stomach doesn't have to work to digest it, so it can work harder on storing all of those nutrients and vitamins. :)

  6. It's true that aloe vera has a lot of healing qualities, and I'm sure that it may have helped several people with IBS and other stomach related problems, but I've never read any definitive studies that proved that drinking aloe juice helped in the treatment of IBS.  It does help with stomach ulcers and constipation of the colon.

    What has been shown to help is Fennel and/or Chamomile taken as a tea or mixed in a salad or cereal.  Both herbs help to calm the GI tract and improve digestion.  You might consider taking either of these.  They can be found at your grocery store.

    In addition, you might look at what factors may be causing your GI distress:  emotional stress, anxiety, diet, lack of exercise, or lack of appropriate therapy.

    Good luck!

  7. Aloe vera juice could have a laxative affect so only use as recommended on the bottle if you purchase the juice.

    Good luck.

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