
Medical professionals only ?? my 4 yr old son?

by  |  earlier

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has gotten the flu and a bad cough like i had, although he is wheezing alot, he usually gets it bad as he has asthma. i have given him calpol and cough syrup. is there any thing i can give him to help sooth him as he is very agitated. i have giving him his Ventolin inhaler also.

he is always getting these colds, and is constantly at the doctors an they usually say give him plenty fluids.

but any other advice would be great

thank you.




  1. Obviously you know to give him fluids, try honey to ease the cough but I would call the doctor, even though you say they tell you just to give fluids I would phone them and demand something be done, that's what they are there for or if you're in the uk call the NHS 24 and ask for advise

  2. Calpol contains Xantham Gum E415. It is used as a preservative and has contra-indications in cases of asthma sufferers. I wouldn't give your child anymore.

    Stick to plain paracetamol and Apple Water.

    Take a dessert apple and chop it up. Place in a saucepan and just cover with water. Boil it for about 10 mins and strain it. Let it cool and then give 2 tsp every hour to reduce the temperature.

  3. Your doctor is the best person to ask, his advice looks sensible.

    some ingredients in cough syrup can give rise to agitation, other ingredients could not be the best for him ie cough suppressants.

    Fresh air, good diet, try and reduce stress if possible as stress can cause resistance to be lowered.

    I presume he gets his flu shots - very necessary for asthmatics.

  4. The cough syrup is a bad idea, specially for asthmatics, it can in some cases induce bronchial spasm. It's pretty useless to. Is  his Ventolin inhaler having any effect? if not, take him to see the GP today who will have a quick listen to his chest and may decide he needs the nebulizer

    Continue with the basic paracetamol, just increase fluids and ride it out I'm afraid, it will pass. Just keep an eye on his breathing.

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