
Medical question please help i beg?

by  |  earlier

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ok for years now i have had p***s discomfort. nothing else but discomfort and no I'm not sexually active or was i ever. it just really bugs me but not enough to go to the doctor. when i was a baby i had a serious p***s infection but that's all the med history of it




  1. How old are you?  I'm sure your p***s is just growing.   They stop growing at about age 18-19 and start 12-13.  Some people's penises grow until they're 21

  2. Your description is too vague for anyone to help much, especially since you said it doesn't bug you enough to see a doctor.  

  3. Your health insurance might cover this. You should really find out what it is. I'm sorry that it's causing you discomfort but if it's something you've been afflicted with  since you were a baby then I doubt there's anything short of seeing a professional that would help you.

    What other symptoms are you having besides discomfort? Can you be more specific?

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