
Medical school???????

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What is the difference between a research and primary care medical school? What is priary care? I read about it on the internet but it confused me a little.

Thank you.




  1. I ASSUME That primary is just regular med school & research is more into looking for new cures.

  2. In general use, primary care means the treatment of patients.  You may hear it used as Primary Care Provider, which is a designation that used to be called terms such as General Practitioner, Private or Personal Physician.  In today's payor driven system, a Primary Care Provider is the physician you are assigned to within a HMO or PPO environment who is your first contact for health care needs.

    In a primary care oriented medical school, research is an option, whereas in a research oriented school it is a requirement.  PCO schools accept applications from people with nonscience backgrounds and RSO's prefer applicants who have science degrees and preferably advanced science degrees.  PCO emphasis is on the humanity side of health care and RSO emphasis is on the science of medicine.
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