Medical study shows NFL players have longer lives - NFL News
A new medical study comparing the life expectancy of players who have played for long periods in the National Football League (NFL) and those in the general population shows that players in the league generally live longer.
The report which is being shared by the league with its former players through a newsletter was conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
Surprisingly this report comes out at a time when the league faces increasing number of lawsuits from former players.
Lawsuits from former players claim that the league refused to divulge information regarding the impact of head injuries in their future and because of that they now face severe psychological problems which is affecting their quality of life.
The league though stringently maintains that it has always kept player safety its utmost priority and now has this report to lend credence to their claim.
NIOSH conducted the study in 1994 at the request of the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) and used a sample of 3,439 former players who performed in the league from 1959-1988.
The institute observed the players thoroughly and now in its report has concluded that NFL players do live longer lives than the rest of the population with only 334 deceased players out of 3,439 which was very low from estimates of the general population deaths at 625.
NIOSH’s study also reported that death’s related to cancer were extremely low among football players which is likely to be due to the low number of smokers who are professional athletes.
The study recommended former players to treat all health problems and maintain a balanced diet for a healthier and longer life.
"Though football-related injuries may make it hard to exercise regularly, it is important that players continue to be active or maintain a healthy weight. It is also important to not smoke, eat right and treat medical conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes."
This study shows that NFL players through their training regimens and healthy lifestyles are much more likely to live longer than people who do not play professional sports.
Football is a tough and violent sport but players who perform in this game remain healthy and have a longer life.