
Medical terminology for three surgeries?

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for my medical class I need to find three surgeries a relative has had and find the medical terminology for each.

So far I have cholecystectomy for gallbladder removal.

I know of two other surgeries but not the terminology

quadrouple bypass heart surgery and a procedure called a "nissen" which deals with the esaphogas (excuse my spelling I dont feel like looking it up...ive had a long day) Thanks in advance :)




  1. I had the following on several toes!

    PIP joint resection arthroplasty

    PIP joint resection arthroplasty is performed with either an elliptical incision directly over the joint or a longitudinal incision. Recurrence is theoretically less common with the elliptical incision, and the procedure is easier. A longitudinal incision is necessary if exposure of the DIP joint and/or MTP joint is necessary.

    The elliptical incision is made directly over the PIP joint through skin, tendon, and joint capsule. The incised soft tissues are excised. The head of the proximal phalanx is exposed by release of the collateral ligaments and the plantar plate. A bone cutter, rongeur, or microsagittal saw is used to remove the head of the proximal phalanx at the level of the phalangeal neck. A smooth 0.045-in K-wire then is placed in an antegrade manner through the middle and distal phalanges while DIP joint extension is maintained. It is then placed in retrograde fashion into the proximal phalanx while PIP joint extension and distraction are maintained. The skin, tendon, and capsule then are closed together as a single layer.

    Next would be a Labotamy...haven't had one but have been acused of it!

    Removal of wisdom teeth! (oral Surgery)

  2. 1. CABG (coronary artery bypass graft): quadrouple means that there were four blockages in the coronary arteries that required a bypass graft to restore adequate circulation.

    2. Nissen fundoplication: treatment for severe GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease), fundus of the stomach is wrapped around the lower portion of the esophagus to prevent/reduce reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus

    3. You are right, a cholecystectomy is the removal of the gall bladder

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