
Medical waiver question

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I am a former Marine who was injured while in service more than 14 years ago. I didnt think it would be possible but my lower back pain has been fixed and now I would like to return to service. My doctor has given me a clean bill of health but a Col has told me that one year pain free then re apply. I found this Col information and contacted him directly but no luck. I can pass the PFT and I am capable to finaly return to finish my career but I seem to be stuck. I am waiting to hear back from my senator and house congressman but still no luck. Is there another way? Can anyone help or perhaps could show me another way to reach my goal?




  1. If your back pain was fixed by the fusion of two or more vertebrae, you are disqualified from entry. The source below is the medical standard. You don't mention if you got a physical towards enlisting again and you don't mention what the "fix" was. If you did go through a physical you could apply for a waiver on the back condition, but waivers in that category are few and far between.

    Send me an email via my profile and give me some more details and I might be able to point out a path more navigable than the pending basket of some Member of Congress.  

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