
Medicated, my bp is normally 130/75 to 140/63. Today it spiked to 198/105. Should I go to the ER?

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I just began to take lasix this morning.




  1. not sure if you should ask that here but you may wanna google what a dangerous bp is and when to be concerned and the actions needed to be taken. Also schedule an appointment with your doc on Monday if you are concerned and can make it thru the weekend without going to the ER. take care be safe

  2. definitely.  you could throw a clot and have aneurysm, stroke, or a heart attack.  that pressure is dangerously high and you should seek medical attention at once.

  3. its too high and I would go just to get looked at. You could be having a little reaction to the medication. Read the side effects.

  4. That's pretty high. If that's your BP at rest, then I would definitely seek medical attention.

  5. I'm not a doctor but you could have a allgergic reaction to the medicine.  You might want to call a doctor or call a medical emergency hotline

  6. go to the er regular bp is 120 over 80

    hope you feel better

  7. May be your stress level has gone up. Anyway it is good to get evaluated.

  8. First may be you have "awful stress situation" which can cause BP to rise. Be calm and think about your beautiful experiences in the past and stop worrying. Second lower your salt intake .. and as you know salt (NaCl) can cause BP rise by retaining water in your body.

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