
Medication & Counseling?

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I was diagnosed with a chemical imbalance, specifically a fluctuation of serotonin resulting in periodic spells of depression. As a teen it had a great effect on my life and I was prescribed medication which never really helped. I've been through some really tough times in my life, but self medicated with illegal drugs, etc.

Now 23, completely sober, and starting a family I'm having a hard time. My fiance(pregnant) and I are struggling financially, digging ourselves out of a rut. Staying with family, we don't really have privacy. She's become very distant, stressed, and lacks affection, intimacy, etc.

Through these hard times I want to be able to hold her close and tell her "I love you & it'll be ok". When we fight I have a hard time giving her space. I just want her to know I love her and we'll get through it, but with all the stress & hormones her reactions make me feel worthless.

Again, I know I need to just give her space sometimes, but I'm tormented and hurt tremendously when I tell her "I'm sorry, I know you're angry, but I love you" and she says stuff like "no you don't". From there I go crazy, breaking down, anxiety attacks, etc. And all that does is make it worse.

I need to know if this is normal, should I seek counseling, medication? I'm a very sensitive guy, so this is killing me. She's my whole world, and I need a light at the end of the tunnel.




  1. Yep you should go to the doctor.If diagnosed already with this problem.Won't hurt to try it.But remember she's pregnant so her emotions are threw the roof right now.Be patient with her to.Good luck

  2. anxiety attacks and breaking down are not normal and no one person should be someones whole world.  Ilove my husband vey much and if something happened to him it would hurt, but his feelings should not control mine.  We are still two seperate ppl.  I suggest getting help.  I am bipolar and do therapy and meds.  Before in all my relationships, i depended on my mate to fill my emptiness, but i have learned to love myself and seek my happiness from within.  I love others, but can survive without him.  My existence is based on me and no one else!

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