
Medication help? clonazepam and paxil?

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Okay so about 2 years ago i went to a doctor to get treated for my anxiety, i get really anxious sometimes for the smallest things like driving..recently my mom started teaching me how to drive and i wouldn't wana get outta the house i felt like my heart stopped and i got really anxious..small things like that get me anxious. Since i was really little i had a fear of going to school and when during my years in elementary to junior high before i went to school id get really anxious, i felt like everyone was staring at me and talking about me, id get nervous and had a hard time paying attention in class from around 4th grade and up it started getting a little bit worse, i couldn't even get off the car to go inside walmart or the grocery store cuz i felt everyone was going to start staring and whispering. i was afraid of being humiliated in front of finally around 7th grade i told my mom and i did some research and told the doctor i thought i had a social anxiety problem so they prescribed me Paxil i guess it kinda worked but they had to lower the dosage cuz id get a "shocking" feeling in my head and some parts of my body afterwards on my first year of highschool everything went fine the first week then i started feeling bad again and ever since ive taking my classes online. the time i was taking paxil i gained alot of weight i went from 118 to 159 pounds, i got depressed again, shortly after my father was killed and everything got even worse. i moved away came back talked to my doctor about the weight i gained and perscribed Clonazepam.

sorry for that long story now my questions.

is clonazepam the right medication for the way im feeling?

is this going to make me gain weight again? ( im 128pounds now)

feeling like this has made my life h**l.

im alot more better i can get off at stores be around people

but i still have a fear of going to school and doing some other things, even like talking in front of alot of people.

Ive had alot happen to me but now that im graduating i just want to live my life normally like everyone else.

thank you for reading this!

anyyy advise at all will be greatly appritiated

and please no rude comments.

thank you so much.




  1. Yes, clonazepam is prescribed to treat panic disorder.  Be sure to tell the doctor if it's not working well enough.  It can cause increased appetite, so you may have to adjust your diet and exercise to avoid gaining weight.  However, it doesn't automatically make you gain weight.

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