
Medications that helps with irritability?

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I've been super irritable lately especially towards my almost 3 year old girl. Everything seems to get on my nerves. I just want to scream at people for no reason. I know this sounds crazy but its how I feel. Im on cymbalta I just started taking it a couple of weeks ago, and now that I think of it ever since my moods been up and down. Its hard for me to be around crouds and alot of kids. I cant handle the whinning and the attitude. I love my daughter with all my heart, I just dont want to be one of those moms who is constantly stressed out and yelling all the time. Can someone please help me.




  1. you don't need meds, you need a break. get a steady sitter for a couple of hours a day. Also, hit the gym. Works wonders, calms you and you'll look hot.

  2. Camomile tea  really calms you, without drugs.  (Never put milk in it in case you don't know.)

    There are also herbal supplements of  Valerian, that calms down people, and doesn't interact with prescriptions.  

    You may also be short on B-complex vitamins and the small amount of zinc your body and brain needs.  I'd suggest a good stress-vitamin or B-complex with zinc supplement once a day, or multi-vitamins that contain that as directed, but have it with starchy foods like bread.  

    You should consider your calcium intake too;  You might find relief with some calcium in your diet or your supplements, and you might also find near instant relief adding some alkalinity like anti-acid tums or rolaids or alka-seltzer.  You may be having a hard time with acidity from many foods, and helping your body re-establish balance could make you feel quite better and calmer with that simple solution.  

    I don't know what is cymbalta, but maybe you should reconsider it and its side effects?  Pharmaceutical companies want sales.  Maybe there are alternative ways to achieve what its purpose is, more effectively and economically, but they don't want you to know that.

  3. Lexapro. It's an anti-anxiety pill.

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