
Medicines Paragraph Help!!!

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this is a paragrapg that i need help with!!

the main difference in the beliefs and understanding underpinning western/scientised medicine, complementary/ alternative and traditional medicine is?

please answer this or finish the paragraph off thank you?





  1. Achievement Criteria:


    Achievement with Merit

    Achievement with Excellence

    Explain a range of health practices currently used in New Zealand.

    Explain, in-depth, a range of health practices currently used in New Zealand.

    Explain, comprehensively, a range of health practices currently used in New Zealand.

    Explain the advantages and disadvantages of these health practices.

    Compare the advantages and disadvantages of these health practices.

    Compare, perceptively, the advantages and disadvantages of these health practices.

    Explanatory Notes:

    1Explain in-depth means to present accurate and detailed supporting evidence.

    2Compare perceptively means to demonstrate understanding of the underlying concepts of the curriculum and respond to them thoughtfully.

    3Comprehensive responses will require students to do one or more of the following as relevant to the health issue and as required by the assessment:

    explain relationships and/or interrelationships

    develop reasoned arguments

    explore the complexities of situations (including different perspectives).

    4A range means three or more health practices of a different nature.

    5For the purpose of this achievement standard, health practices must include at least one practice from each of the following:

    medical health practices (Western scientific medicine), which may be defined as the methods of treating diseases with the application of scientific methods and logic.  The focus is largely on the physical dimension of well-being.  Some examples are: surgery, pharmaceutical drugs, radiation therapy, and lifestyle change.

    complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and traditional medicine (TM), which may be defined as the methods of treating illness that evolved from within the social, spiritual, emotional and physical environment of a society.  Some examples are: naturopathy, homeopathy, meditation, acupuncture, Māori (or other cultural group) medicine.

    6The explanation of each health practice must include all of the following:

    the underpinning philosophy

    the procedures involved

    the dimensions of hauora attended to.

    7Explaining/comparing the advantages and disadvantages must include reference to the dimensions of hauora.

    Contemporary Health Practices Research Project

    For your Contemporary Health Practices project you will be taking an in-depth look at various treatments for a health condition of your choice.  This will involve locating relevant information from the internet, libraries, community agencies, etc., using the information to research different aspects of the treatments, presenting your findings to other students by means of a visual display, and displaying your understanding of the health practices in a short oral session.

    Aims of the Project

    The purpose of the project is to develop your skill in:

    obtaining information from various sources including electronic media

    comprehending health pamphlets, reference books, scientific articles

    using information to answer specific questions about aspects of the different health practices

    presenting the info in a visually interesting manner to other students

    orally communicating your understanding of the practices and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of them to treat your named health condition.

    The other aim of the project is to allow students to demonstrate attitudes such as enthusiasm, persistence, initiative and self-confidence.

    For the purpose of this assessment, “health practices” have been divided into 2 categories

    1.Western/scientised health practices.

    2.Complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) and traditional medicine (TM).

    You need to select THREE health practices in total, including at least one western practice and one CAM or TM. You need to compile a file of information about your 3 chosen health practices from a variety of information sources – these need to be both general articles abut the health practice and ones specific to the health practice as applies to your named health condition. These resources could include:

    print resources (media articles, books, pamphlets)

    electronic information sources, and

    interviews with providers of the health practice (if feasible, appropriate and accessible).

    Annotate and compile your information under these headings:

    [NB. ‘annotate’ means to add your own notes to]

    Understandings and beliefs underpinning the aspect of each health practice (the more ‘philosophical’ aspects of the health practice).

    The dimensions of hauora considered in the application of the health practices.

    The nature of the health practices and what is involved in the application of the procedures.

    How your named health condition is treated or managed using these practices.

    The advantages and disadvantages of each health practice related to your chosen health condition.

    For the assessment:

    From the resources you have gathered, select up to:

    Five general resources about health practices.

    Three resources about each of the three chosen health practices and how they are used to manage the health condition.

    Format of Your Visual Display

    After you have completed the task of making your research notes on aspects of the three health practices, you then have to present your information as a visual display.  Your display will be assessed.

    The visual display must be aimed at helping other junior students to understand the topic you are studying and the technology used.  

    The visual display must be done on the card provided which has two or three display areas, such as:

    Your display should provide visual information on the main aspects of the chosen topic.

    Display Hints!

    Make sure your title has some impact (can be seen from a distance)

    Include only important information, don’t cram your display with small writing

    Use the different spaces for clearly defined purposes and separate the areas

    Maximise the aesthetic possibilities of the display

    Use colour

    Use bold headings

    Use graphs/photographs/charts/samples/diagra...

    Use 3-D objects

    Make sure your display can be understood by others (plain English, etc.)

    Photocopied notes or diagrams are not allowed, but photographs can be copied and used.

    Surviving Your Oral Session!

    This is the real test as to how well you understand your topic.  This oral session is a short prepared seminar and should take about 10-15 minutes.  It is an informal talk to the rest of the class about your research and you should be prepared to answer questions from your peers.  Assessment will be made of your understanding of the topic and your ability to communicate orally.  The teacher and other students will be very supportive (but bribery will help!).  

    The aspects you should discuss in your talk are the different health practices and the comparisons of the advantages and disadvantages between the three.

    The best preparation will be to thoroughly carry out your research and carefully prepare your display.  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DO THIS PROJECT – IT WILL BE OBVIOUS TO EVERYBODY!!  Plan ahead, stick to your schedule, become an expert on your topic and you will then be able to handle the oral session with confidence!

    Introduce your assessment by describing in general terms the difference between the understanding and beliefs (or the philosophy) of western/scientised medicine and complementary/alternative (CAM) and traditional (TM) medicine.

    Explain in depth and comprehensively how each of your three chosen health practices would enhance the health and well-being of the person experiencing the condition you have named, by answering the following questions.

    i)Explain the specific understandings and beliefs (or the philosophy) underpinning each of your chosen health practices, and relate this to Question (b).

    ii)What procedures are involved in the application of each health practice to the health condition you have named?

    (The emphasis needs to be on the health practices, not so much the health condition.)

    iii)Indicate which dimensions of the person’s hauora/well-being are being attended to with each type of health practice.

    Explain advantages and disadvantages of each health practice when used to treat or manage the condition you named.

    Compare perceptively, these advantages and disadvantages.  

    Use a relevant combination of the following points to guide your answer.

    The effectiveness of the health practice for managing/treating the condition.

    The impact on each and all dimensions of hauora.

    The financial costs, availability of, or access to the treatment (as appropriate).

    Consequences for the person such as short term side effects or long term effects

    Societal attitudes towards the practice, its acceptability, any challenges or controversy surrounding it and which sectors these attitudes are coming from.

    People’s right to choose the practice.

    Whether the practice is considered as part of public health promotion initiatives.

    Other advantages and disadvantages particular to the selected health practices not already listed.

    Assessment Procedures

    For this project, you will be assessed using a combination of self, peer and teacher assessment.  This means that your final grade for this standard will be determined by you, your peers and the teacher’s professional judgement.  All criteria for marking will be clear and straightforward, and in line with the Achievement Standard criteria set by NZQA.

    Resources used for Achievement Standard 3.3 Assessment

    Contemporary health practices in New Zealand

    Fill in this sheet before the assessment.

    Hand this sheet in with all your resources and your completed assessment.

    Name of resource

    Number on resource*

    Where I got this resource eg. internet, book, interview

    General resources on health practices and health condition











    Resources on health practice ________________________







    Resources on health practice ________________________







    Resources on health practice ________________________







    *When you use information from this resource in your assessment, write this number, in brackets next to the text where you use it (like a reference in a book or an article).

    Contemporary Health Practices in NZ:

    (named disease goes here)

    Health Practice


    Health Practice Procedures

    Impact on Hauora






    (short/long term effects)

    Health Practice


    Health Practice Procedures

    Impact on Hauora






    (short/long term effects)




    Health Practice Procedures

    Impact on Hauora






    (short/long term effects)



    Name of Assessor: Name of Presenter:

    Peer Assessment Schedule for

    3.3 Contemporary Health Practices


    Key Points to Consider when Peer Marking

    When marking the display panels and the oral presentation, consider carefully  whether or not the following points have been covered:



    Has the health condition been explained so you know what it is?

    Have the philosophies and beliefs of all three treatments been explained?

    Is there enough information on all three treatments for you to understand what they do and how they work? (Have the procedures been explained?)

    Is the information presented understandable to anybody?

          Ã¢Â€Â“ that means it is clear, not muddled, and the presenter knows their stuff

    Is the visual display presented in a neat and tidy format (ie not just slapped together with a rough cut and paste)?

    Is there enough depth in the information that you have a solid understanding of the procedures and practices?

    Has the effectiveness of each health practice for managing/treating the condition been covered?  (Do you know how well each one works?)

    Has the impact of the treatment on each and all dimensions of hauora been explained?

    Have the financial costs, availability of, or access to the treatment been covered?

    Have the consequences for each treatment, such as short term side effects or long term effects, been explained?

    Have the advantages AND disadvantages of all three practices been explained?

    Has there been a comparison between the practices discussed?  (Do you know which one(s) is/are better than the other(s), and why?)

    In the comparison, was there any evidence provided to support the argument as to why which one(s) is/are better?

    If relevant, have any societal attitudes towards the practice been covered? (This includes its acceptability in modern society, any challenges or controversy surrounding the practice and which sectors from society these attitudes are coming from.)

    Have people’s right to choose the practice been discussed? (Can people get this treatment easily in NZ if they want it?)

    Has whether the practice is considered as part of any public health promotion initiatives been discussed?


    Self Assessment Schedule for

    3.3 Contemporary Health Practices


    Key Points to Consider when Self Marking

    Consider carefully  the answers to these questions:



    Have I covered the health condition so people know what it is?

    Have I explained the philosophies and beliefs of all three treatments?

    Have I included enough information on all three treatments for others to understand what they do and how they work?

    Have I made an effort so the information presented is understandable to everybody?

    Have I made sure the visual display is presented in a neat and tidy format?

    Is there enough information so that I have a solid understanding of the procedures and practices?

    Have I covered the effectiveness of each health practice for managing/treating the condition?  (Do I know how well each one works?)

    Have I explained the impact of the treatment on each and all dimensions of hauora?

    Have I covered the financial costs, availability of, or access to the treatment?

    Have I explained the consequences for each treatment, such as short term side effects or long term effects?

    Have I explained the advantages AND disadvantages of all three practices?

    Have I  compared the advantages or disadvantages of all three practices?

    Do I have any evidence to support my argument as to why which one(s) is/are better?

    Have I covered any societal attitudes towards the practice?

    (This includes its acceptability in modern society, any challenges or controversy surrounding the practice and which sectors from society these attitudes are coming from.)

    Have I discussed people’s right to choose each practice in NZ?

    Have I considered whether the practice is part of any public health promotion initiative?

    Have I included my list of references where I got my information from?

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