
Medieval Banquet Restaraunt?

by Guest66464  |  earlier

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Hey, has anyone been to the Medieval Banquet Restaraunt in London, England? If so I was a bit curious about the prices... There will be 2 adults and three children. So if anyone knows the prices of hand please let me know.




  1. Hatfield House in Hertfordshire, just north of London, is a great place for this - it's held in the old medieval Great Hall.

  2. Not bad prices ring themfirst see if they do party discount

  3. Yes, we've been to several banquets in London. They were such fun and it is the perfect place for adults and children alike. We paid about £35.00 for each adult but I'm not sure how much they charge for children. The price includes your food, entertainment and some drinks.

  4. Don't go

  5. Ive been before its fun for the kids and it does make a change of atmosphere, but the food was TERRIBLE. It worked out about 40 pounds each if thats what you really want to know, i wouldnt advise it though!

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