
Medieval Societys?

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For ever i have loved everything medieval, so i was wondering if there is any type of society right now in age where they still act like its the medieval days?




  1. There are very primitive societies that live like it was around 10 B.C.

    In the middle east, in some areas, you can find regions that are pretty close to the Wild West.

    But if you want places ruled by the sword, you're out of luck. It's easier to get a gun than a sword, and cheaper. If you want that, you'll have to get rich and create you're own.

    Try joining the local SCA, your local college will have one. (Society of Creative Anachronisms).

  2. When I lived in Kabul, I told many friends it was very much like living in a medieval society: the waste disposal system was almost non-existent (the roads are lined with open sewers and trash piles are everywhere, with little children and adults going through them regularly), food sanitation is little understood (with raw meat hanging for who knows how long right next to open sewers and dirt roads, and animal parts transported, without refrigeration or covering, in open wagons), many homes have no running water or electricity, animal-carts are still an important way of transport, there were no traffic laws (not that anyone followed, anyway), sheep are herded through the streets from garbage heap to garbage heap, women have to have a great deal of covering in order to be out and about, women die in huge numbers during child birth, children die in huge numbers because of disease and hunger, young girls -- sometimes little girls -- are given away in marriage (sometimes to much, much older men) in return for family alliances, religious leaders wield a great deal of wealth and power, and the war lords are plentiful and act just like feudal lords in terms of administering their territories, demanding loyalty and raising their own armies.

    Nothing romantic, nor healthy, about medieval times.

  3. If you mean are there any countries now that are similar to how medieval (Europe presumably) was, then... not really. Science and technology have had too much of an effect. Even in poor developing countries there are roads, telephones cars etc, which at the least effect the way society as a whole works. quicker communications and transport and just quirks of history mean that there are no real feudal systems left.

    If you're after groups that recreate the past for fun, there are absolutely loads, who do it to varying degrees of accuracy. You're never going to find people prepared to actually die of dysentry or get killed in a duel, but there are a good few who'll  cook pottage, live under canvas for the odd weekend, and put on a tournament or similar for the general public.

    Whether there are any near where you are, I can't say, since I don't know where that is.
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