

by Guest65630  |  earlier

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again, writing a book and researching. what did people usually use in medieval japan, china, vietnam, england, and ireland?




  1. Use for what? You need to be more specific.

  2. You need to go to a library and ask the librarian to help you research this.  Asking on YA is not sufficient research if you want to write a book.

  3. I don't know enough about the far east to say, but in England and Ireland, lighting in medieval times mostly came from candles or from fire.  Candles could be made from animal fat, or if you could get it beeswax, which produced a better quality light and lasted longer, though if you didn't have your own bees it would be more expensive to obtain.  Women often made their own candles at home.

    Bathing was harder work than it is now as there wasn't much indoor plumbing (though some castles and monasteries did have it), so a tub would have to be filled with water by hand, and if you wanted hot water it would have to be filled over a fire. Medieval people did bathe, there were lots of illustrations in medieval manuscripts of people bathing in large tubs.  Kings and nobles sometimes had private bathrooms, though the common people in general would not have done.  From the 12th century, public steam baths became very popular, they were social centres as well as places to bathe, as public baths had been in Roman times.

  4. I agree with Bookish.  Besides that, your question is on a bunch of different things (weaponry, clothing, etc) and a bunch of different cultures...  what kind of book are you putting together?  First of all, if you actually are writing a book, and not "compare and contrast"ing for a class, you REALLY need to narrow this down.  THEN you need actual research to back up your argument.  No history dork (like me) wants to read a book with no citations.
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