
Medieval times !!! NEED HELP!!!?

by Guest11068  |  earlier

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i need some help with the following questions;

1. What was the trial to prove one's innocence called?

2. What was the main reason of growth of towns and villages?

3. What was a medieval crossbow called?

And What was it called if you went against the king or monarch? answers to any of these questions are appreciated =]




  1. It is called treason when you go against the king's order.  And isn't it a hearing to prove that you're innocent?

  2. the cross bow? is some french word. growth of villages and towns was for protection and the growth of commerce( trade, markets, etc) yeah and treason for the last one.  

  3. 1. Trial by Ordeal

    What was trial by ordeal?

    Trial by ordeal was a means of determining guilt or innocence through infliction of injury. It was used after the collapse of the Roman Empire (c. 476) in Europe, when the laws of various Germanic tribes took the place of Roman law, which had been set by Roman emperor Justinian I (A.D. 483–565). In trial by ordeal a person accused of having committed a crime was injured in some way (the ordeal). For example, the person might be branded with a heated iron bar; if the injury healed within a certain period of time—usually three days—the person was determined to be innocent. If the wound did not heal, the person was found guilty. This method of judging guilt or innocence was also called divination because it involved discovering by supernatural means whether or not someone was guilty.

    2. Trade

    3. Crossbow


  4. 1. I think you are talking about a 'trial by ordeal'. This wasn't really to prove innocence, but a test of whether or not the accused was guilty. For example, in some cases the accused had to carry a red hot iron bar a specified number of paces. His/her hands were then bandaged and if the wounds had healed by the end of a specified period of time when the bandages were removed, then the person was innocent of the charge.

    2. Trade

    3. in English, just 'crossbow', it had no special name.

    Lastly, treason

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