
Meditate help?

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I have an anxiety disorder and have trouble tuning out my nagging thoughts and worries. I want to learn to meditate so badly, but I cannot seem to stop the inner thoughts while doing so. Any tips on silencing this noise while I meditate?




  1. My husband has an anxiety disorder as well.  He bought a CD and a book on meditation and can't sit still long enough to get through either one of them.   You are not alone in your quest for peace! Here's my advice to you:

    I read a book last year called "Buddhism is not what you think."  It was written by an American Buddhist and was full of great information.  Although a lot of it talks about Zen Buddhism, which may not interest you, there was a significant amount of information about meditation in a way that I had never heard before.  Real practical tips to help you clear your mind.   The biggest tip I learned was to try counting your breaths without thinking of anything besides your breath and the number.  Try getting up to five and then counting back down to one.  Go back and forth until you can remove all other thoughts and then try going up to ten.  It's nearly impossible to get to number three after a month of trying!  It did help though and after awhile I could get up to about eight.

    The thing with meditation is it has to be done EVERY day.  If you skip around and do every other day, or only weekdays, or whenever you feel like it, you won't ever get the hang of it.  That is why monks are so incredible at it.....they do it many times a day every single day for most of their lives.  

    Another tip is that the truly peaceful state of meditation can't be attained while you want it.  If your mind is grasping for something (learning to meditate) it can't also be letting go at the same time.  It's a very frustrating Buddhist concept and I can't seem to get past it myself.  

    Good luck with your anxiety and kudos for thinking of a natural way to handle it!

  2. Yes!

    1) Take a class on meditation 2) Find something to help you distract your mind until you can keep it still on your own. Try a long walk outside or exercise or reading something that inspires you. 3) every day, write down your fears (or whatever come us when you try to meditate )on a piece of paper and put it is a box.  at the end of the week, empty the box. Meditate on the idea that you are "emptying yourself of fear." 4) talk to someone about what is bothering you BEFORE you mediate 5) write a list of your blessings, adding something new every day. Meditate on how gratitude helps you feel less anxious. 6) meditate on things you can do for others without them knowing about it.

    I  promise these will help. Just keep at it.

  3. You may want to start very simply by just quieting your body then try and relax.  Concentrate on your breathing. Inhale deeply and expand your diaphragm. Start at a few minutes and work yourself up. You may want to light candles or incense. Play light music or eve better there are guided mediation Cd's out there. Deepak Chopra site has great ideas or you can find something at the Edgar Cacye site. Good luck. It takes a little practice, but totally worth it for the rest of your life.  Namaste"

  4. Start with a ritual.  I like to light incense.  Now the smell alone can clear my mind.

    Have a special spot you use only for meditation.

    Focus your attention.  Bring your attention back to a single point until it rests there naturally. The goal is to allow the "chattering" in your mind to gradually fade away.  Let your attention rest on the flow of your breath.  Or maybe a word.

  5. Breathe deep.

    Stay confortable

    When a troubling thought comes in just let it go, don't carry it on.

    Be relaxed and just let go of everything.

    Meditating is time for yourself, so just for that time don't worry or care about anything else.

  6. Prayer and reading the Bible daily. These are the things that silence the voices.

    Meditate on the things you read not open meditation. The Bible tells of one who empties his mind to let out 1 bad spirit but when empty and clean 7 more will enter. Meditating on nothingness is very harmful. Meditate on what you read and pray for understanding before and after. It takes a humble heart to trust in God.

  7. well i also have very strong anxiety u should smoke weed.  im being very seriouse

  8. Let's try Thias together.

    Turn off all the phones go to a place or room, where you will not be disturbed.

    Sit comfortable in a straight backed chair with your feet on the ground rest your hands face up on your knees.

    Join your fore finger''s and thumbs together in a circle (this will help you to relax).

    Take a deep breath and exhale relaxing the body do thi 3 times.

    Concentrate (think) on your in breath though your nose and then exhale though your nose and count 1 do this again and count 2 do it until you count up to 4 and then start from 1 again until 4 and keep repeating this.

    Do not think about the future or the past if you do start from 1 again.GOOD LUCK

  9. relax alot and do calming things

    5HTP, valerien, same are good for anxiety, also check out gingko.
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