
Meditated to awaken dragon self. saw vision now have head ache, dizzyness n felt something did i mess up?

by  |  earlier

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i did what a friend said. so i just finish meditating but while i was doing that i saw myself meditating n saw a dragon. there was no color at all no sounds. but i felt its power enter buy what it looked like fire balls that hit me but it was not hot it just flew inside me. then during the last sec. it hide in it cave, then i snaped out of meditating n feit something pokeing me from in side on my sides. now i have a head ache n dizzy did i mess up?




  1. You are a mammal. You have no 'dragon self'. I am sorry.

    What, you think dragons meditate to find their 'human self'?  

  2. yeah the first person had it right, you either have a harbinger demon or a stalker demon. either way your boned. There is no self to awaken, if you are not born with it you steal from other spirits. if you have it use it. Try a grievance with an elder seal exorcism.

  3. i gave the advice and now you have felt some knd of energy and it will give you a headache and dizzyness till you get used to your dragons power and no you dont battle him with the sixty wotever take your time and get used to him inside and now he will be helping you to open up good luck

  4. stop trying to blame your friend.

    by saying "i did what a friend said" you are trying to blame another. the time is here for every body to be accountable. He said so to everybody a few years ago. do/did they hear or do/did they say "no it is always going to be His fault and we can blame Him and He gets the sin on Him because He said "drink the wine" No that is not what He said. He did not say drink the wine. He said " listen to Me & by doing so drink the whine & what really happened will be clear" He said "listen to Me because by hearing the story in the whine you will then see that the bread is not money. the spiritual bread is like a bread with yeast, it rises & has not a thing to do with materialistic carnal monetary ways."

    He said the time of blaming is over.

  5. You might have reached the Fifth Gate,

    This is a gate to your spiritual chakra, and it is guarded by your inner demon. I am guessing your chinese animal must be the dragon, you must battle this dragon in order to open the flow of the Fifth Gate.

    Use the Sixty-Four Closed Palms technique and try again...

  6. no u didn't do any thing wrong it's probably just not the right time to awaken your dragon self.

  7. You are probably possessed now.

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