
Meditation-Best Time for it.?

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What is the best time to meditate. Could it be done at night.Or should it always be done only in the morning.




  1. when ever it's best for you. I personally like to meditate at night, laying in bed after the kids are all asleep. other wise I'd always be interrupted. some books recommend in the morning after waking up because there's less chance of falling asleep and it prepares you for the day.  

  2. Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.  I also go to inspirational places to meditate like a lookout peak at sunset or sunrise.  I also go to a foot bridge over a creek.  More I go to a meditation garden at a library with fountains and sculptures.  The water sounds and calm views are great.

  3. the best time for meditation is going to vary from person to person. meditate at a time and in a place where you will not have ANY interruptions, so turn off the phone/ringer!!  no tv!  

    there are no set rules for meditation...just make sure you are in a comfortable position with either light music or no music, nothing distracting. choose a time when your brain is awake and active, but not racing with thoughts and "things-to-do."

    for some people it is best right upon awakening, a good start to the day. for some people it is best before bed or some time in the evening to unwind.

    i would suggest to start with 10-20 minute meditations at different times throughout the course of one day to find the best time for you. then once you find a groove you can extend the time for your meditation.

    i honestly prefer to pair meditation with yoga once a day and then later sitting and unwinding with quiet meditation and deep breathing.

  4. Lamar's Alarm that's med-i-tation, not medication, Fool. the Asker is asking about meditation.

    best time for meditation is probably both am and pm.  take advantage of the opportunities to do it.

  5. Read the labels. Some indicate whether to take at night or day.  Others you have to experiement with and see how they react.

  6. Any time in your daily schedule that is calm, quiet & relaxed.  

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