
Meditation Question?

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Has anyone seen any visions or anything when they're meditating? My friend and I both experienced seeing stars in a black background. (They look like the stars that you have on your computer when your computer is idle - they are small stars that move slowly toward you). Is this a prelude to getting deep into the meditation or what? We were surprised that we both saw the same thing. We did not meditate together, or at the same time or anything. Some people claim that they can astro travel etc. when they meditate or see the future or the past. Has anyone ever had these kind of experiences through meditation?

Please don't tell me that we're not supposed to reveal what we've seen through meditation. I've had several people tell me this and I see absolutely no reason for it.




  1. a couple  of  times  ,i  have  felt  as  if  i'm falling. and  a sense  of  peace at the  end  of  half  an  hour.the  meditation  master  told  me  it  was  a kind  of a mini OBE.

  2. I see stars too...

    when I got punched in the eye.

  3. I see lots of coloured circles floating past.

  4. Learn to Meditate

    Have you ever examined a tiny wild flower and marveled at its symmetry and beauty, or looked up at the stars and felt thrilled with their glory? Well, these are simple forms of meditation that can enhance your reverence for our Creator, Jehovah, and make you glow with gratitude and appreciation. (Psalm 8:3, 4) Why not let your mind settle on such wholesome thoughts when opportunity presents itself?

    Meditation, however, can be done at a much deeper level. Have you ever watched a cow chewing the cud, or ruminating, as it is called? To “ruminate” also means to meditate. But a cow cannot ruminate on an empty stomach, any more than we can meditate with empty minds. Hence, a study of the Bible has value, for the more you study, the more spiritual thoughts you have to “chew.” And even if you rate yourself as a poor student, you will find that as you apply yourself, study will gradually become easier, more pleasurable. New thoughts will connect with old thoughts. Seemingly disconnected thoughts will begin to organize themselves into coherent patterns. And as Solomon said, “to the understanding one knowledge is an easy thing.” (Proverbs 14:6) But it takes time. And if studying God’s Word is not presently one of your main enjoyments in life, why not ponder, or meditate, on this right now?

  5. Astral projection uses a similar technique to meditation, but it's not likely to happen spontaneously. As for the imagery, I tend to see slow coloured swirls, like those of oil colours in water. I think it's a clue that you're getting more effective at blocking concrete images.
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