
Meditation and Martial Arts?

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What role does meditation play in Martial Arts?

I don't know much about martial arts at all, I've never done it myself, but I watch it sometimes and I get curious.

I noticed several key things with Martial Arts. That it's not about "fighting" initially, more than it is a method of self-defense.

These are the key things I have noticed...




What roles do these play and why?




  1. Well, initially and at it's root is fighting, the science behind Martial Arts is, and will always be, fighting. Now, through the understanding one gets of the human body and fighting interpretations they gain more respect for life and fighting becomes something to be avoided. This understanding helps to humble most students of Do/Tao. Through the many fights, sparring matches, and knowledge gained during the many years of study; the student is able to build more confidence in themselves and win the power struggle over their own ego, dissipating it.

    With the loss of ego the student will then be able to walk away from aggressors in public and not feel that their strength as a human is threatened. That leads to the only necessity of study for self defense in the physical manner, rather than fighting to secure status in an ego driven society.

    Meditation as others have stated is meant to clear the mind, but it is also there to unify the mind and heart, and body. There are different minds inside each and every one of us. There is the emotional/heart/monkey mind, and the logical mind. Many people have conflicts with these two minds. You may have had experiences where they differe in opinion as well. EX: When you wanted to do something that you knew you shouldn't. That's pretty much what it is.

    So through meditation you learn to control the two and over time make them think as one. This reduces conflict within you and allows you to be happier, more fulfilled. This in turn creates a calmness that is blissful.

    Discipline is really self explanatory here... Through the necessary practice of a simple move over and over to the point of reaction, instills discipline as one must be absolutely committed to achieve the goal.

    Combat understanding and training comes with the rest as their study should all be one in the same.

  2. meditation and discipline the mental attributes required to be a successful fighter in anything,boxing ,wrestling,martial arts ,chess anything in life to be a success.a cool mind and the discipline to know when to move/act/respond and when not too. all the better quality fighters no matter the system/style are cool under pressure,combat is easy when you prepare properly and have the required skill  

  3. Not so much as meditation like as in sitting in a spot for hours and not doing any thing, but I practice a form of meditation called breating, in the nose out the mouth, it sounds kinda stupid but controling your breathing really helps you in a fight, so I think meditation plays a part in mma.

  4. Meditation is used for having a clear mind, to focus on what you are trying do. Discipline is used as a way to control yourself in everthing you do, too have control is to have mastery. Combat is used for self- defense and to protect, that is way martial arts was created for in the first place to protect. Hope this helps you

  5. It is to center yourself and clear your mind; makes you more effective in combat.

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