
Meditation question-Focus?

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When I meditate I sit and focus. But once I'm calm I always come back to the thought of where im sitting wether it be my bed my chair the floor or anything else I'll keep flashing back to a picture of what it looked like before I closed my eyes what can I do to keep that out?




  1. The Key to meditation is finding what works for you and use that as a starting point. If your mind keeps bringing up the image of the place you are ... the bed or chair or floor ...

    Use that as a tool ... as a stepping stone. Make the image stronger focus your mind to bring that image sharp and clear. Mentally explore those surroundings you are familiar with.

    Once it is clear in your mind as you pull yourself downward deeper into meditation as your body calms your mind calms walk to the closed door of the room and open it ....

    one aspect of meditation is that pull downward into the subconscious. Almost like an elevator or a set of stairs. Imagine moving downward within the mind whatever comes clearest to your mind use it.

    This state of meditation is not always visual its also an emotion and a physical sensation of sinking.

    If you stress over trying to keep out that image of where you are in the room the less likely you are to relax and meditate. So give into it and then eventually move on.

  2. Practice, practice, practice.

    Try to focus at the tip of the nose or forehead. Sometimes it causes headache due to strain. You have to be relaxed.

    Let your idea or picture come in the view during meditation as long as stays. Slowly and slowly it will start disappearing without any effort.

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