I have a pretty solid resume as far as advancement and responsibilities go. I've worked for this software dev. firm for almost 2 years now. I started out in administration, then moved to HR and financing, now I'm in the QA/Software testing role. Its a very demanding position as I have been and am still currently the only tester (minus the automation tools we utilize). I've always been tech savvy, I know my way around IT troubleshooting, updating, and installing and have a knack for picking up anything tech. Its hard to relay that sort of information on a resume, though, any suggestions?
In my current role, I'm basically the sole testing engineer and release manager. I use MySql and Oracle databases, utilizing queries and sql scripts, configuring configuration/xml files, building the software locally, and deploying for demonstrations and company wide testing. I feel I have a good grasp on what it takes, but really lack the years many companies are looking for, its just hard to relay the fact that I'm the sole person for this stuff, hence the quick and deep immersion into it all. I would love to learn more, but there aren't any local colleges/universities that offer more tech classes that I'd like to take. Those that do are not just rip-offs, but not the exact field I'm interested in. I would love to be a developer (not programmer) or business analyst/QA manager.
Does anyone have experience in this, and if so, what would you recommend to someone in their latter 20s looking to make a profession out of it? I love to read and try things out on my own, so self-teaching is cool by me. I've recently started self-teaching on web development, am very creative and again, just love technology. Thanks in advance.
Finally, I have experience in high tech...the company I work for writes software management tools for companies looking to track assets utilizing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.