
Meeting a college coach?

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I am meeting a vball college coach tomorrow and im really nervous!! My mom told me to think of questions to ask but I dunno what to ask any good ideas? oh and what should I expect?




  1. There's no reason to be nervous, if they agreed to meet you they're probably interested.:]

    pick out your outfit now, not tomorrow.

    I'd say "dressy casual".

    They will probably ask you questions about your grades, interests, and probably some vball stats/info so be prepared to answer those.

    YOU might want to ask

    (after they ask you some questions)"Do you think your school/team would be a good fit for me?"

    " What is the team expectations in  academics?"(some small schools really value them).

    (if you want to play right away..ask) "What are the chances of playing time as a freshman"(or something liike that- im not sure thats the right way to word it)

    If you get a good feel from the campus and coach.... ask if you can talk to one of the players.

    &&you will probably come up w/ more questions as you go along, i know when i have interviews/meetings that i do.

    Good Luck.


  2. Hmm ?

    Volleyball Coach ae ?

    Well .

    My interview was so fun ! (Believe it or not !! )

    I cracked jokes -About Vball of course..

    I laughed at her (not so funny) jokes ? =]

    I questioned her on the spot to make me look professional ?

    And I didn't want to be stumbling over my words so I took things slow and easy ?

    Just have fun ?

    Ask basic questions at the start ! =]

    - Skills

    - How did she get to where she is now

    - The highlights she had.

    - Skills she learned while playing .

    - The message she'd give to younger/other people wanting to play Vball .

    Smile Lots ! =]

  3. lol i know the feeling...

    some question ideas:

    -what position would I be playing?

    -do you require teammates to live with each other?

    -do you have a mandatory team study hall?

    -if they can help you get any academic aid or scholarships through the school(non athletic)?

    -how often the team trains?

    -how are the professors when you have to be out of class for a game or tournament, are they understanding (because some professor don't like athletes because they think we get special treatment, but that is usually at bigger school)?

    -also make sure that they have your major (if you know what it is)

    *make sure to ask about both volleyball and academics

    *also if you think of a question later you can always call or email them

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