
Meeting and greeting a person: small talk - what is the best response if the person remarks about the weather?

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the person initiates some small talk by saying something like "Cold out today, isn't it?" ... what's the best response to get a convo kicking?




  1. Agree and elaborate.

  2. that means he/she feels very uncomfortable starting off topics and that's your cue to create one and it is very rude to just stay silent and agree.

    you should state the weather and compare it to the past weather events and slip right trough on how the person in doing in relation to the days you have given as examples to the weather that way he can't know that the topic is moving forward. then, control the conversations.

    you will know that he doesn't have any topics in his mind yet and it's up to you to scrape that idea in front of him.

    that and if you don't really want to converse to him just say"the weathers fine right?" and stay silent...


  3. It's all relative...when is this meeting taking place? If it's the middle of summer, then I would go on about,"Yes, it is, a nice change from the dreadful heat we've been having. I hope it doesn't mean we're in for a really bad winter." If it is in the middle of winter, then maybe,"Yes it is,at least we have spring to look forward to."

  4. " Maybe there's a thunderstorm coming in..."

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