
Meeting bio family?

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Have any of you been able to find all of your birth family or are you still going at it?

If you have, then how do you all feel?

Did you get your questions answered, or did you have a rocky experience?

Thanks in advance




  1. Rachael on y/a is my daughter.  I don't usually answer for her but she may not have time herself. Her and i have been in reunion for 8 almost 9 years. It has been good for both of us. Last October we found her father and met his mom and 1 of his sisters. That was also very good for both of us. All of her questions have been answered and if she comes up with more she knows she is free to ask. It has been a good experience all the way around for the 3 of us. Maybe she will get some time to add to this answer.

  2. I've met my birth mother (haven't spoken with her in 5 years though), most of her extended family and 3 out of 5 half siblings.  I have only spoken with my bio father on the phone twice and that was over 10 years ago, although I do speak with his brother and my grandmother (his mother) on occasion.

    I thought it was great to meet them all and learn about the family and the circumstances surrounding my birth and subsequent adoption.  Both my biological mother and father still have issues with drugs and alcohol so it is difficult to have a relationship with them, but I do stay in regular contact with one of my half sisters.

    Overall, it was and still is a rocky experience.  Sometimes there are things that you never wish you knew, but it is a relief to have the answers.

  3. I've reunited with my extended first family on both sides.  It's been great.  We all reunited nearly 7 years ago and have continued to enjoy and strengthen our relationships during this time.  I got lucky in that meeting one person got me reunited with almost everyone  right away.  According to my various family members, they'd been searching and waiting until the day I would be there.  Sadly, there weren't many left on my mom's side of the family, including my mom.  Most had already passed away.  But, everyone was still around on my dad's side.  In fact, my grandmother and grandfather on his side both passed not too long ago.  My grandmother was 80 and my grandfather was 93.

  4. After 19 years of searching (due to sealed adoption records) I found her last week

    She was thrilled to hear from me and said she'd been 'going at it' from the other side but had met the same rude and indignant paper pushers that I had who told her no, she could not have any info.   They knew that I was asking as well from this side but still chose to keep us apart - it's disgusting.   There are things that my mother left in my file for me over the years in case I should contact them and they never once in 19 years of me asking gave me any of it.  They denied she'd ever been in touch

    I'm getting my questions answered and we are so happy to be in touch - despite the a-holes who attempted to keep us apart, they've cost us years.

    Thanks for asking Sarah

  5. i have only met my bio mom. I was in shock and didn't know what to say so I didn't ask anything.I felt ecstatic and nervous and was running on adrenaline till past midnight.

  6. I have met my natural father and some family on that side. I have only talked on the phone with my natural mother. I'm glad to know my truth and history.

  7. I've met my bmom & that whole side of my family. I'll probably never get to meet my bfather's side. I honestly don't think my bmom knows who he is.

    I finally felt complete when I met my bmom. I knew who I was & where I came from. She is everything I could ever hope to have in a mom yet never did growing up

  8. i have found all of them.  i feel relieved.  i did get my questions answered and it turned very rocky, but WELL WELL WELL worth it!
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