
Meeting women in the Air Force?

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I've been debating over joining for years, and it finally seems like the time to do so. Just out of curiousity. Do you have many opportunities to meet women while in the force? I know not to date the women in the force with you, but I'm speaking outside of the force.




  1. Why not date women in the Air Force?  Just don't date ones who you supervise or vice versa.

    Just being in the Air Force you will meet many women.  They have a rep as the best looking females in the service.

  2. Worry about what kind of job you'll get first and the women second.  Mostly you'll be getting familiar with your hand though.

  3. Re: Brandon M, that was uncalled for! It is a well known fact that the Air Force has the best looking women! So, I'm sorry if you didn't have your share of them in the Army (can't imagine why there aren't gorgeous women there), but in the Air Force there are plenty of beautiful and intelligent women, and not all of them are "whores". That is an unkind generalization, and one that could be interpreted into jealousy or perhaps being scorned. I'm sure all the women in the Army are saints....please! Ignorance is bliss isn't it?

  4. I've known 5 people who joined the Air Force and they were all married w/in two years.  Apparently it's better than

  5. You will meet plenty of women in and out of the Air Force. Enjoy your time in the Service.

  6. Duh - Unless you stick your butt in the dorm all the time, and you can date other Airmen of the opposite s*x as long as you do not have any possibility of command decisions or can influence their duties, rank SO just date people out side of your chain of command.


  7. We don't call it the force.  It's not a police department.  It's the Air Force or military.

    You will have plenty of chances to meet women, but most of them will be in the AF too.  What's wrong with AF women?

  8. The military life is not an isolated existence.  Vast majority live off-base, especially since the government has increasingly started "privatizing" housing.  Go where you would normally go to meet women - just be mindful of your behavior as it reflects on the service.  And dating other military members is not a bad thing - just avoid doing so with the same organization where chain of command conflicts could arise.

  9. Date who ever you choose to date.

    Just because she happens to wear a uniform and serves her country, doesn't mean you should ignore the option. You never know, you might find someone lovely.    

  10. lol you sound like a jedi,stop calling it THE FORCE....and yes you ll have tons of chances to get with the air whores.

  11. I'm guessing that Brandon M. had his heart broken by an AF woman and he hasn't gotten over it yet.  

  12. chicks love guys in uniform, do it bro! and besides the women nothing bad comes out of joining the military. it will be one of the best things you will do with your life.

  13. You will have plenty of opportunity to meet the local women no matter where you are stationed.

  14. Of course every duty station you end up with, there are women all over the world.  

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