
Melbourne queries?

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Few abstract queries for should I decide to live in Melbourne.

Do you use sunscreen all year around, even just for day to day activities or do you just use it occasionally? How much time do people spend at the beaches? All year round or just some of it?

What are the rough areas to avoid and how bad are they?

What are rent prices like and how good is public transport?




  1. i have quite sensitive skin and i only really wear sunscreen in summer and late spring, but i guess the weather can be unpredictable, so its good to have it on you.

    people dont go to the beach all year round because it can get cold and windy in winter and autumn, but if you like it for the scenery or you like surfing you definatly wouldnt be the only person on the beach

    the sort of dodgy areas are the western suburbs as other people have said. i wouldnt feel safe alone at night in places like frankston and cranbourne.

    not sure about rent but inner city is likely to be more expensive than suburbs

    from my experience the public transport system is c**p. inner city trams are alright, but the train network is constantly overcrowed and services are always late. buses are also average, but better than trains.

    overall its a great place to live though!

  2. People have answered most of your questions but would like to add the following:

    Melbourne has great architecture. We have Victorian. Edwardian, Art Deco, Chicagoesque, Art Deco, and modern.

    If you are interested in buildings then visit 333 Collins st, The ANZ Gothic Bank, St Patricks Gothic Cathedral, Federation Square, Flinders Street Station, Manchester Unity Building State Library, just to name a few

    The city is quite flat not as hilly as Sydney. From the city you can see the surrounding hills of The Dandenongs and Mount Macedon. Victoria is a great state and the city is known as Marvellous Melbourne, and I don't disagree - its the second most liveable city in the world. We have sport, theatre, art, fashion etc always something going on.

  3. hills - mainly flat but there are a few hills depends where you go.

    buildings - in the city there is a mix half modern and half old style.

    pitches, tennis courts - yes there is AFL but not much soccer. there are football pitches everywhere and same with tennis courts.

    sunscreen - no not all year mainly just in summer because it can get really hot.

    beaches - it depends. going to the beaches in summer are fun but can get busy. summer is beach crazy in melbourne. sometimes you can find surfers surfing in the winter months but usually in the mornings.

    rough areas - st kilda is full of prositutes and syringes stay clear. broadmeadows is considered scum.

    rent prices - are a little high but still affordable. depends where you go.

    public transport - is essential to getting around. its cheap and reliable. and it can get you to the city and back in less than no time.

  4. The weather in melbourne is very unpredictable, so if you get burnt easily its a good idea to carry sunscreen with you when you go out, but generally you only really need it in summer.

    There are people at the beach all year round, but mainly people go in summer.

    The western suburbs are probably the more rougher areas, but there not too bad.

    Rent varies from place to place. It gets more expensive the closer you get to the city.

    The public transport is pretty good, although can be slightly expensive and doesn't always come on time.

  5. sun screen mainly summer but our seasons are changing. early autumn and late spring we get some hot days.beaches , mainly summer, but have their own personalities all year round.each area [n,s,e,w,]have there rough bits .none of which are hard to is going up by the second but you can still find reasonable rents on the fringes.public transport varies depending on where and what you are and doing. i live in the dandenong ranges about an hour from the city.beautiful cold weather rain forest,mountainous and i love the life style. there are many beautiful places around melbourne come for a visit and see for yourself.

  6. -Sunscreen. I don't wear it all year round but you can get burnt all year round. (Less in Winter)

    - In Summer people spend a fair amount of time at the beaches. You wouldn't in winter as it is too cold.

    -The rent places in some places can be quite high but in others it's reasonable. Public transport is O.K. There are trams bringing you around the city and some suburbs or the train which takes you to the city or other suburbs. The trains can be late sometimes and are not very well equipped for  crowds, but they do have to move alot of people so...

  7. I don't use sunscreen all year round, and my skin is quite pale. It's a good idea though to cover up when you can.

    People will mostly swim at the beaches in Summer - the water is too cold otherwise. But you can walk down the beaches and play sport on them anytime of the year - if you don't mind the cold wind!

    Western suburbs have a bad reputation but the city can be a bit nasty on a Friday or Saturday outside clubs when people have drank too much. Just exercise caution and you'll be fine.

    Rental vacancies are at an all time low at the moment so prices can be quite high. There's also a lot of competition for rental properties with some people offering up to a year of rent in advance just to secure a property. You need to allow a lot of time to find somewhere.

    Public transport is good - you can easily get to the outer suburbs on trains and trams are good for inner city travel. Peak hour is very crowded and trains get cancelled a fair bit.

    Melbourne is the sporting capital of Australia and you'll easily find tennis courts and soccer grounds. You can join one of the many teams or just get together with some friends for a kick-around. Also, the Australian Open is held in Melbourne in January - best time of the year for tennis fans.

    There's a mixture of old and modern buildings - you can take tours of the city to see the architecture.

    Melbourne is quite flat but it's only a short trip to the hills if that's what you're looking for.

  8. In Melbourne:

    - You can get sunburnt anytime of year (depending on your skin type), but less of an issue in winter.

    - Beaches all throughout Melbourne and Vic are very popular anytime of year, Summer more sunbakers and swimmers, other times maybe for just for stroll. Serious surfers will go in anytime of year, but will need a very good wetsuit in Winter

    - Rough areas: sterotypically - Frankston, Broadmeadows, Western suburbs. But it's still worth checking these places out.

    - Rent can be expensive in popular inner city suburbs.

    - Public transport is good and bad depending on where you are. Melbourne has the largest tram network in the world, but they can be slow if you have a long trip but are very convenient for short trips. Train network is ok but could be better - often crowded and cancelled trains in peak hours.

    On the whole it's a great, vibrant city, with lots of different suburbs that have their own unique character. A very "liveable" city.

  9. If you go outside and it's not pouring down with rain, It is advisable to wear sunscreen all year round. I work indoors and spend little time outside in either the summer or the winter BUT will wear sunscreen when I am outside.

    A lot of people spend a lot of time at the beach... I couldn't even tell you the last time I was at the beach.
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