
Melp meeee!?

by  |  earlier

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is it normal to feel pain on that tooth after having a cavity fillied?

i had an injection, but when the numbness worn off, i started to have this pain on the tooth

(the pain started after 8 hours).





  1. I aint a dentist but what usually helps is rinsing with salt water

  2. Hi!:)

    I also had this thing happened... I've gone to the dentist to have a check up, she said that I had a cavity on my 1st molar... So she decided to fill it up... But I didn't have any needles or something... She just continued what's the procedure of filling... When she was half-way through in removing the black thing, I felt strange... It hurt me... (Ouch! Don't want to remember that) I didn't tell it to her... I just close my eyes and tolerate the pain... After the filling, It hurt a lot! So I decided to tell it to the dentist she said that I just need to take pain killers... So I bought some... The other day, the tooth which the dentist had filled, ached... The gum became inflamed... I've gone to the dentist and checked it up... She told me that, I needed it to be extracted... I waited a week before the inflammation goes down... And she extracted the tooth... It was so disgusting... She showed it to me and I observed that there were some flesh around the tooth... Oh.. The extraction lasted for an hour... because it hurt a lot... I took 8 injections  but that didn't work... whew... Thank God! It was over...

    On your case, It is better to consult your dentist and tell him/her why does it hurt... Is filling permanent or just temporary?... If it is temporary, go back to the dentist and have it pulled off... So you won't get irritated by the pain anyways... That's all... hope I helped
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