
Member of Gala Bingo that took longest to win

by Guest10761  |  earlier

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this is phrased a bit wrong i think!

But does anyone know the longest serving gala bingo member that has never won anything? i mean members who go to play bingo- not online.

i've been a member for nearly 2 months and i go 2 - 3 times a week, play the main sessions and spend an average of £5 on the tables.

i'm curious to know if this information is known.





  1. its a question of luck really try going on a quieter night. when i first joined gala i won on my first night and used to win pretty regularly going about once a week

  2. It's really a matter of luck. But there are some things you can do to increase the chance of winning. Also, you may want to try playing bingo online.

    - ability to use automatic daubing features

    - play more than one card

    - fewer players mean better odds

    - where the players are there is money, go big if you feel confident

    - The best tips applied over a series of games will absolutely make a player a winner more consistently than if they didn’t use them

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