
Members do not get messages posted to the group's address, but their e-mail is correct (members' list)

by  |  earlier

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I know all 12 other members personally (we belong to the same meeting group), and I hear they don't get mails. Lately I send out a message to my group, and a cc to all members as individuals. Some (or all??) only recieved the personal mail.

BTW: That message is NOT shown as most recent message in the messages-list on the group site. But it IS shown in the "topics" list.




  1. the topic view is a personal page setting for each member. that's the way 'you' see it. if you click again "(List as Individual Messages)" the recent messages wont list by topic, but individual posts. this setting will affect the views of all your own groups- but it's not a group setting to affect all members

    I suppose your members would need to check and rule out their own mail settings and be sure they're set to individual. you could also look at this as an owner.

    why they're not getting mail id they're set to individual could be many reasons

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