
Members leaving my yahoogroup?

by  |  earlier

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When a member of my group are leaving, I want to know why?

can I leave a message with the unsubscripe saying "why you are leaving?" and receiving these answers to my email.




  1. you can create a text file, but when members unsub, they generally wont take the time tell give an explanation as to why.

    good luck

    you would do this under the files- create a text file, this way you can add to it later. you will enter a file name, a description and choose when it's sent-

    Upon pending membership

    Upon joining group

    Upon leaving group <----

    On rejected membership

    Upon being banned from group

    Every 2 weeks

    Every month

    enter your content in the File Content and when done, click create file at bottom.

  2. First, go to your main list page. Use the "File" menu option on the left side of the main list page. Then, you can "Add File", "Create Text File" or "Create Folder". I suggest you place all list maintenance files in a single directory. Under files, I created a folder called ListMaintenance and within that directory, I placed all of the files I use to send automatic messages to people who subscribe, unsubscribe, etc. I also place messages there that are sent as monthly reminders on group policy.

    Create the directory and then create a text file and add your text about unsubscribing, e.g. "Hello, This is an automated message to confirm that you have been un-subscribed from the "YOURLISTNAME" List on Yahoo. Please let us know why your left our group. Please send your reply to" etc.

    After you create the file you need to use the "Edit" Action (to the right of the file creation date). Select "Edit".

    Then, look at the checkbox options for Auto-send to Members

    Plain text files will be delivered as email messages. All other file types will be delivered as attachments. I suggest using a plain text file so it does not go out as an attachment.

    Your options:

    Upon pending membership

    Upon joining group

    Upon leaving group

    Upon rejected membership

    Upon being banned from group

    Every 2 weeks

    Every month

    Check the box for "Upon leaving group". Now, every time a member unsubscribes your list will send the text message asking for comments on why they left (I also ask for suggested improvements).

    This is handy for sending messages to your list automatically or for sending messages to individual members upon joining or leaving the list.

    Hope this helps,

    Steve in NJ

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