
Membranes stripped, labor anytime soon?

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I am 39 weeks and 4 days and my doctor stripped my membranes today, he said I am "very effaced and 3 centimeters dialated" I dunno what very effaced means, maybe 100 percent, about 2 weeks ago I was at 70 percent and completely closed. Anyway, now I'm having terrible consistent lower back pain and some stomach tightness, the baby is still moving a lot. I'm wondering if this sounds like a good sign towards labor to you? He said he wouldn't be surprised if she came no later than this weekend, but what are your experiences with this? Also, he said I'm not dialated very well, don't know what he meant by that, maybe that 3 centimeters isn't that much? Any opinions?




  1. 3 cm's is great. Be glad that it hasn't caused you pain to get to that point.  To be efficient, you need your membranes swept 3X. If labour happens before tha, it means you have gone into labour on your own.  The cramping may subside and nothing will happen, or labour will start.  s*x would be a good idea too.  Good luck.

  2. I was about 2 days late when the doctor stripped my membranes.  I ended up going into labor about 8 hours later.  Good luck to you!

  3. Many people experience back pains in their backs during labor.  The tightness in your belly is a sign of contractions.

    It sounds to me like your body is in the beginning stages of labor which could last awhile or go quickly depending on your body.  

    You can be dilated 2-3 centimeters for weeks.  You can also be 2 centimeters and then within a short time be 4-5.  Again it all depends on your body.  

    Make sure your bags are packed.  Be patient it could still be 10 days away.  But it could also be this weekend like the Dr. said.


  4. I had my membranes stripped when I was at 37 weeks. My labor started late that evening and the next night I had my son. I was about 1-2 cm and partially effaced. I think that you should get your house ready and get some sleep! Also eat good food and stay hydrated. You will definitely know when your contractions start. Try laying down to see if they continue before you call the doc.

  5. I wished the doctor would of told you more. I assume this is your first baby. effacing is the thinning out of the cervix for the babys  birth. that has o be at 100% which is probably is seeing you are 3 Cm  at 10 cm you will deliver your new baby :). you will probably feel alot of pressure or pain in your pelvic area and maybe some burning. the baby probably wont move too much as now he/she is in position for birth and not alot of squiggle room when your standing on your head. try to walk it you can that will help dilate faster.It all depends on how fast you progress. If you hare having alotof pain and stomach tightening ( contractions ) start to time them. to do this hold your hand on your tummy. when it gets tight start timming it. when it stops you stop the clock. write it down how long did it last. when another one starts do the same thing only also write in when the first one started and when this one started. that tells you how far apart your contractions are comming. I would call the doctor when they are about 10 mins apart although they probably said 5 mins apart. this gives you time to get to the hospitle before you get too uncomfortable to walk etc. if you exsperiance anything else such as blood etc go to the ER right away. any time you dont feel something is right just go in anyways. i dont think you will make it to the wekend seeing you are already at 3cm. i give you  till friday if you make it til then. Best of luck on your new bundle!!

  6. Well I had them due this with my second daughter and my Dr said at the time I was 3 cm and 90% effaced and so he said by stripping the membranes that it could put me in labor but he also told me to help it out to go and walk and walk.And I did just that I went to Walmart and I did laps around that place and it got them going really good and then I walked some steps and sure enough almost 1 1/2 later I was admitted into the hospital in labor.I was 5 cm and 100% by then.So I say with the lower back pain and the tightness those are good signs but if you don't do anything about it you can go through all this pain for nothing.So good luck and go for a walk or heck have intercourse that helps as well.

  7. very effaced meand that your cervix is thinned out but thats normal. You could have the baby just about any day now!! But no 3 centimeters is not really alot!! You have 7 more to go!! But the stomach tightness is normal and they are considered contractions. The REAL contractions hurt like h**l and you will barely be able to walk!! But i was 3 centimeters dilated and still went 40 weeks which is 10 months!! N they still had to enduce my labor and increase the contractions so the baby could come!! Hope this helps!! N good luck!

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