
Memorial poem for grandma and grandpa?

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You all are always so helpful so I thought I would ask. I am getting down to the wire getting some things done so I will now probably have a bunch of questions.

I wasn't orginally going to do memorial anything as I know my loved ones are watching down but I think it would touch my mom. I would like to include a small poem or something in my program for my grandma and grandpa (my mother's parents, also my grandparents I was close with) my grandpa died when I was about 2 or 3 but still have fond memories of him and his wife my grandma who died when I was 15. They both died too early and wish they were still here. I think my grandma really died after my grandpa did. They were married for so long and only to each other.

So I would like a poem of some sort about marriage/love and death. Not morbid or anything. Hope I am explaining this correctly.

Does anyone know of anything?

Thanks in advance! ;)




  1. this is what i put in my programs for the same reason and then we listed our relatives names.

    In Loving Memory

    Although we can't see you

    we know youe are here

    Smiling down, watching over us

    As we say "I Do"

    Forever in our hearts,

    Forever in our lives.

    And so we say our vows

    In loving memory of you.

  2. I don't know if this helps or not, but this is what we are using on our programs:  Not really a poem, but kind of a thank-you poem.. and honoring the people that aren't here

    We have waited with much anticipation for this day to arrive and give thanks to God for creating both of us to be with one another. We would like to first thank our parents, who have been so patient and understanding and have given us so much love and encouragement, thank you. On this very special day in our lives, we want you to know WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!  We are also very thankful that our families and friends could be here to share this blessed experience with us. We are grateful for the distances that many have traveled to be here with us today. The love of everyone here warms our hearts and fills us with cherished memories.  We would also like to remember our Grandparents, John doe, Roger Smith, Jacquelyn Smith, and Tonetta Johnson, who could not be here with us today, but will forever be in our hearts.

  3. This is a great idea, and I have done a few programs for client including a memorial poem with the preface "in loving memory of..."  I usually include this on the back or last page.

    Here are some sites I found that may help you in your search:

  4. You can try this website and go to their inscription page. They have examples for everything. More like celebrating their life.

  5. We did candles and a slide show (at the beginning) to memorialize our grandparents.  

    We found what were meant to be unity candles that you put your wedding program in, and we each typed up thir name, year of birth, and year of death. We also gathered up all kinds of photos that featured us with our grandparents and had a guy at church make them into a tasteful slide show.

    We were told it couldn't be done tastefully, but I think we did a good job with it.    

  6. How about putting a rose up at the altar. One for your grandma and one for your grandpa. You could put them in the same vase to show they are together. In your program say something about how the roses represent your grandparents.

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