
Memory cards for phones?

by  |  earlier

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I have blackberry pearl II and I'm going to have to send it in for warranty because its acting all skittish... freezing up and opens up apps by itself.. weird anyway there is no water damage its just being stupid. anyway i know I'll need to get a memory card for my pics but can i also put saved txt on to the memory card?




  1. As far as the pictures go, you are correct you can only save them to a memory card or like the first poster said you can email them to yourself or to a trustworthy friend.

    Text Messages are a little more complicated

    Option 1 *FREE*

    1. Backup your blackberry and save in a backup folder or wherever u keep them

    2. In the desktop manager, go back into backup and restore and open the advanced button

    3. In device database column, scroll down to locate your sms messages

    4. Click the left arrow to copy sms messages over to left column

    5. Click close and click yes to save changes and click close again.

    6. Go to the backup folder where you backup to and change the extension”.ipd” to “.doc”

    7. Open the doc file and click ok to open file conversion to the default windows encoding

    8. You will see all your texts between lines of code including the phone number where text came from but it will not show the time of when the txts came in its best to keep a days worth and note the time of start and end after you save

    9. Highlight the code and delete all except your texts and / or phone numbers if you wish

    10. You will notice that texts come after 3 or 4 lines of code keep a careful eye so you don’t accidently delete any thing in between

    11. Start at the top and work your way down to the last text

    12. Do not save the doc you were working on as it will save in notepad and the note pad will retain some code and you will lose about half of what you saved so what I did was to copy all the text then made a new document in a folder and renamed it ex. (Aug 21 8:17a – 9:35p) or any title you wish

    13. Paste the texts in the new document and save

    14. Delete the coded document and delete prior all your old messages on your blackberry

    or Option 2 The Easy but it will cost you

    Buy this Program

    Amber's BlackBerry Converter

    You Can Also get a 30 day free trial. @


  2. Yes you can put all your pics on a mem card.. or upload them to your computer. Not sure what service provider you are using but if your phone has a sim card  then you can just save them to that as well :)

    Edit: Find a nice friend that will let you forward all of your text to their phone until you get your phone back.

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