
Memory loss from a fight (who defeated who)?

by  |  earlier

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today I was bullied around as usual as normally I tried to defend my self and like that I am on the ground(meaning I got hit)

I started to bleed and was in pain when all in the sudden my little brother comes and screams my name then he started punching him then I stood up and... and... wtf I cant remember what happened

it's all blurry from here except I remember that when it was all over my little brother was safe and the dude was down for good ( I don't know first I thought I killed him but he was just unconscious ;)

hehe he had me scared for a moment

I wasn't puss over for months ah that was nice but it has started again T_T and I cant do anything about it...

but any suggestions on what just happened I assume I kicked his but or I fated and my brother kicked his butt or he got bored and went to sleep


but seriously what happened?




  1. You should have finished him off when you had the chance. He's been messing with you for months. It won't stop.

  2. You probably knocked him when you punched him in the face. =)

  3. Cool..... proving what I've always said a millino times about fights, "You're still alive and in good health".  Must have been either the beginning of your day or later in the day when you were getting tired huh?  Never fight tired man.  A K.O. isn't always what it seems on the streets.  Maybe go to the doctor's office and get a good check up to be on the safe side, but other than that sounds like "pure tired-ness" to me.  

    Good luck man .... hope all works out for you.  Some martial arts lessons sound like there in order that's for sure.  I'd go to some kind of dojo if I were in your shoes.

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