
Memory trouble after hit to the head...

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Look seeing a doctor is somewhat difficult for me right now so keep that in mind.

In April i was his very hard by a very heavy steel ladder. I was knocked out with a good sized gash in my head. Now ever since then, I have had a hard time remembering things that had just happened. (my short term). Is it connected, who knows? I'm no doctor, but I just need to know.

Can a hit to the head cause me to lose a bit of short term memory? Or is it all ..."In my head"?




  1. This could be a SERIOUS problem, part of your brain could be in partial paralysis, which would mean its not working therefore, has caused serious head injuries.

    I know you said its hard to go to the doc right now but...GO TO THE DOC... or deal wth the consquences, head injuries are taken very seriousy, and if gone untreated, can cause even more problems,

    btw:did you go to the hosp. after the blow?please answer, then i can tell you more.

  2. No...It can happen, my GF recently had a car accident, gash on head too, but the doctor told her her memory will return in a few weeks, so don't give up hope mate; perhaps your memory shall return fully as well...Whether it be short or long term...So don't give up hope good luck 2 you.

  3. probably a concussion!

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