
Men, can you ever truly stop cheating?

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When my husband and I were dating many years ago, he cheated on me. I never had actual evidence, but ladies, you know when you have that nagging feeling, the **** is usually true.

Fast forward, 13 years later , he travels alot for work, and i have no actual proof, but my instinct tells me he has been with other women. Plus I answered his phone once and a girl called and when she heard my voice said oh wrong number, but the number was programmed into his phone as "Kcell".

Is it hereditary? His dad cheated on his mom. You would think seeing his mom upset would make him say i would never do that to my wife.

So is the old saying true? Once a cheater, always a cheater?




  1. why would you even marry a man who cheated on you before you all got knew then and you know deserve to be loved, adored, respected and treated like the queen you are...hes stupid! stupid! stupid! don't allow him to continue treating you this way not one more year! not one more day! he knew he wasn't ready for marriage 13 years ago.  keep it pushin sistah!!!!!! that man ain't worth no more of your time!

  2. cheating is a moral flaw,as far as morals go,you either have them or you dont.if someone came to your house and stole something,would you trust them to visit again?dont wear love blinders.

  3.   No not true . Some of us learn our lesson and some of us just don,t .

  4. First, you need solid evidence. Women's intuition, though I agree is usually correct, has sometimes failed. Have you ever discussed this with him? Yes, it seems like I'm crazy, but he might have a d**n good explanation, or would he stammer? Either way, talking to him face to face can give you some better answers. And if he really did cheat, chances are, it's hard not to again, unless he was so serious about staying with you. Personally, as a guy, I wouldn't trust me again if I ever cheated.

  5. I'm not sure to be honest. It might be like smoking or drinking or lying. You try to quit and sometimes you are successful but at other times you are not. Really depends on the individual and the situation I guess.

  6. h**l yes once a cheater always a cheater is true. Im a guy and i can tell you lots of us have had that little feeling and just like you it turned out to be true. I think you know the answer that your asking here...i mean a "strange" woman called but hung up when she heard your voice....but was programmed into his phone....cmon sometimes love can make you blind but you have the evidence....your gut isnt lying this time i bet, now you just  have to figure out what to do about it, which unfortunatly can be pretty hard as you already know.

    Good luck.

  7. So basically he hasn't changed in 13 years and is the same as when you were dating.   And now you upset over something he's been doing since you were dating, 13 years ago.

    You should be mad at yourself, not him.

  8. My answer is that most men are not cheaters but animals in need for new things and that will always be that way. I am sorry to say that but I think nature has made men this way for a good reason and my advise is that you should keep looking until that special, indeed super special guy appears.

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