
Men, do you prefer a woman who is more subtle in the clothing department or one who is more skimpy?

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that includes anything clothing-related.




  1. it depends. as long as it's not too skimpy and not too conservative. I like it when a girl knows how to dress herself respectfully and not look like a "ho." on the other hand, i hate it when a woman walks around with a burka (or w/e those "muslim" robes are called). It defeats the point of being a woman.

    I guess the best way i can put it is that what a woman wears should show that she is a woman, without flaunting too much flesh.

    as far as lingerie goes... anything is hot when a girl is half naked :)

  2. Um hello, not all men like the same stuff.... and people are entitled to dress how they want, they don't need their partners permission.

  3. subtle....

  4. If she is with me, (wife or fiancee) I expect a certain amount of restraint in the skimpiness department, but refrain from telling her so when she wears plunging necklines. When other men check her out, I know she is coming home with me at the end of the day.

    If you are dressing skimpy to attract attention to yourself and are single, so be it. If you are married , out flirting and dressing skimpily, it means you have little respect for yourself or your SO.

  5. depends on where, when and what the event is - at home in bed skimpy, church, covered up!

  6. Who cares as long as she doesnt have any cottage cheese when she takes the clothes off!

  7. I am not a man but i can tell you what my husband tells me.....any man whats a woman in public and a freak in the bedroom. clothing included. He says that men want a woman who they can be proud of to walk down the street with and who look respectable and sophisticated. he also said that nothing is more of a turn on than a woman in stylish business clothing but that is the complete opposite in the bedroom. When only his eyes can what i am wearing...or rather not wearing =)  

  8. Skimpy.  I love the sleeve hanging off the shoulder.    

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