
Men, do you sometimes still secretly feel that you are in some way superior to women?

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This is a question for men, not women.




  1. I feel different to women.  I feel I am a testosterone charged man who would be 'better' at hunting, stalking, being aggressive, protecting and surviving in a hostile environment.  And I think my brain works better than a woman's in those areas.

    The downside to my testoserone charged self is I am probably much more selfish and interested in myself which lessens my awareness of other people, including women, and their attributes, capabilities and contribution.

  2. No. In fact, most times I feel inferior. Women tend to be more goal-oriented and level headed... Most of the time.

  3. Not superior, but 99% of the time a woman will expect a man to fight her corner and defend her, regardless of how much of a ***** they are to us men, so whether woman like it or not, they see us as their protectors and I think that proves woman think men are higher and naturally more powerful.

  4. In certain ways, but then again in other ways they totally kick our a$$

  5. Men are definitely superior to women

  6. Taking the fifth on this one, as i know women are the best by a long way

  7. Get serious..... Absolutely not !.. Not sometimes & not secretly.. Fact is men will always be superior to women, female will always be the 'fairer' weaker s*x & there's no reason to hide this as a GIVEN. Anyone that does is weak & intimidated by this barrage of c**p feminists have been babbling about for too long.. You need to laugh it off & regard it as a means for the feminists to entertain themselves..

  8. No......Females are superior. Look what my Mistress had me put in my profile!

  9. What do you mean in certain ways ? Please do tell me how and in what are women equal to men ? DO you really think there will be a female von Braun, or Einstein ?  

  10. well... yeah.

  11. Superior? Not at all... Different, in certain ways that can give me an advantage in some situations, yes. But over-all, not at all.

    Even the most "Alpha" of males is eating out of the hand of a female somewhere...  

  12. Not really. We both have better skills to deal with certain things.

    No, not at all.

  13. look at all the world records in the olympics

    we ARE superior!

  14. Yeah, society says I can't openly feel superior, so I secretly feel superior sometimes.  But I don't think it's a big deal.   There are things most guys do better than most women, there are things most women do better than most men.  Your question would get a much different response if you said "Do you secretly feel that women are inferior to men?"  The difference is that men don't look down at women, like they are hopeless and weak.  Men just think that we are physically stronger and in general more capable than women.  Of course, you can rip that assessment apart with millions of examples of very capable women and hopeless men.  But if you're looking for honesty and the general feelings of men, that's it.

  15. No. But I know that I have structural advantages that women don't have.

  16. Why would I feel it secretly when it is so obviously true?

  17. secretly ??

    we are superior

    the best chef are men the best make up artist?hair stylist are men

    and these are thing you are good at

    why is that ??

    but some things only women can do lol

  18. I think I'd better keep my mouth shut on this one. ;-)

  19. we both have our good and bad side's our strength and weakness, that is why men and women complement each other

    but if one has to be better we are much better. right?

  20. In some ways yes, but I feel women are superior to me in other aspects where I am poor.

  21. yea

  22. This is not secret, we still are in many ways. We have always been since the beginning of time.

    Only since the past 100 years have women been given the right to vote, freedom, jobs, and opportunities. That however does not make them superior just because they are now able to do these things.

    Put 5 men and 10 women into a pit and see which gender will survive and come out alive.

  23. I hate this, thumb up the people who are saying women are superior and thumb down people who think men are superior.

    No gender s superior! We are different but we breathe the same air and have the same oppurtunity. There is no denying that men are usually built smarter and stronger but women have to carry children and put up with being ill every month! I don't know about the other guys here but I couldn't do that, it would certainly take a lot of physical strength and mental strength so you can see they are as strong as well!

    Enough of this bull, no one is superior to anyone and it was sexist to target this question at men because I could ask, "Women do you now feel secretly superior to men?".

  24. In essence, we all are. Whether some men like to accept it or not. We would all like to hold dominion over the "backbone" of our souls, these women. Though through society's shunning of the misogynist, there are gentlemen (like me) whom are able to respect and hold women high, subconsciously, that little caveman in the back of our heads still feels above women.

    Nowadays, however, there is a change starting to occur in men. Some are just insecure of the great things women are able to achieve these days, thus resulting to domestic violence, beating, abuse, and rape... :(

  25. Well, I think that in terms of bodily power, (who is stronger, faster, more athletic) men are superior, but this isn't really a secret. I don't feel superior except for that. Especially in this society, because ever since we were children we were told that women were better than us. Turn on your TV right now and you see that show with the fat idiot dad and the beautiful intelligent mom who he's lucky to get her, and that's the portrayal of male and female. That show is 60% of sitcoms. (Simpsons, Family Guy, According to Jim, Scrubs, ect;). All female stand-ups talk about how men are stupid liars. It really makes me feel loved.

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