
Men, does it make a difference to you if a woman has birthed a child , or do you prefer women who abort them?

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Honest answers please. ;-)




  1. Hmm, well my boyfriend and I would love to have kids so we would keep ours but we've been together for a really long time, and planning on marridge so babies arent too much of a big deal.

  2. birthed most definitely. unless she was raped or financially wrecked i think abortion is bbbbbbbaaaaaaadddddddd

  3. I would vote for C. not birthed or have an abortion.

    If that where not an option, then my first choice would be A. a woman that had birthed a child. Of course, that would mean that if I marry her I will have an instant family. But to be honest, I like kids.

    As for B. A woman that has abort it. It would depend if she finds her action as something natural or if she have some shame on it.

    I wouldn't want a relation with a person that is proud of having an abortion. But is different is she is not proud of it. We all make mistakes. And we all have circumstances that makes us do things we are not proud of.

  4. Well, you forgot option C.

    ...A woman that hasn't had any kids or abortions.

    I'm pretty sure most single men would opt for option C.

  5. I find a woman who has the child more admirable than the woman who aborts.  While the child may be inconvenient for her to have at this point in her life, she's owning up to the responsibilities of her actions instead of just looking for the quick fix.  If she can't parent the child, at least she can find someone who could.

    The ONLY instance which I think abortion is acceptable is if the woman was r@ped.

  6. Nothing is less attractive than motherhood.  If those are the only choices, I prefer women who abort them.

  7. What the heck, talking to previous answer, if you are in love with a woman espescially if the kid is yours, in my opinion motherhood is dead s**y. only thing i would hope for is the girl to shed the pregnancy pounds after but its not totally nescesary, but any girl who is pretty thin will generally lose the extra pounds.

  8. Neither. I prefer a woman who wasnt sluuty enough to get herself pregnant in the first place

    I certainly do not like a woman to abort... because abortion is murder.  I would not respect or appreciate that in a woman in the slightest.

    Knowing ahead of time that she is CAPABLE of pregnancy and birthing is a sexual turn on.  The potential of her motherhood equates to the potential of my fatherhood.  That attracts sexual mating.

    But I do not want to raise another mans child, nor do I want to feel obligated to take on a two-person package deal when I find a woman attractive.

    My last girlfriend... I was willing to marry her.  I wanted to.  She had given birth.  She thought abortion was wrong too.  She got pregnant, so she said, because she was raped.  But she adopted the child and reserved visitation rights.  I only respected her for it.  Through all her trauma as a rape victim, she stood by her beliefs that abortion was murder, and though she could not support the child she continued to see and love her; and that life was between her and the adoptive parents - I had no obligation to the child.

    I am responsibly enough to use protection.  And even if pregnancy did occur, I am still responsible and moral enough to believe that the child has a right to its life, regardless of the consequences to me.  I would be willing to raise the child, I would also be willing to adopt it away if need be, but I too would want to be a part of the childs life still.


    Why am I getting down thumbs?  Is it because I am pro-life or is because I am anti-s***k?


    Shaun.  Thanks for that.  I didnt meant to come across as a hypocrite... and I dont mean to sound illogical.  I cant really explain my point of view.  I am not completely abstinent... but I dont have lots of s*x either. I am picky about who I date and even pickier about s*x partners.  I am more than willing to abstain, more-so than women usually.  I will only have s*x with the relationship is long lasting and committed and the consequences of life-altering events such as marriage and pregnancy have been discussed.  Furthermore, thought I use condoms, she also uses diaphragms or contraceptives.... we go all out to prevent.  So, Im not innocent... but I certainly will not be left in a situation of worry about what to do with a fetus with someone I am uncertain about.

  9. It's a good question and I know why you are asking it.

    I too would say C.

    If not then A because I don't believe in abortion but would not be happy about it.

    But the women from group B would probably lie about it so most men would end up with one of them.

  10. It's irrelevant to me ... she has to live with her past .. I want to know her for who she is ,not who she was.

  11. What men "really think" is don't ask, don't tell.  We don't really need to know.  Fact is, an unmarried woman with children is less less desirable than an unmarried woman without children.  And the statistics reflect this because the unmarried woman with children is less likely to find a mate and get married.

  12. Birthed I don't like child murderers.I'll date a woman with kids granted she has no more than a couple who are still young just my personal preference

  13. You know, you've left out the other choice which is birth control.

    Other than that, the question isn't relevant to me. I don't make judgments in advance about people I don't know.

    What would you do? Wear a sign that says: "don't come near me b---h if you've ____.

    This is a lot like saying you'll only go out with girls who are 5'9" -- then you run into one who is 5'7." I'd rather not be in the same room as guys who think this kind of stuff.

  14. Read my comment in this question by Lonely, Men. What do you think about a women's right to an abortion? I'm too lazy to type it again.

  15. It makes a difference if woman has birthed a child.  I know that. I have a son.

  16. if I were straight and I got a woman pregnant...I would not want her to get an abortion...I would be a father b/c obviously it takes two people to have a baby....Im pro choice...but if had a hand in the situation i would rather she keep the baby....instead of her deciding to do something else

  17. Yes, you're right. The human race should die off. I agree women should have more abortions. Abortion should be legal.

    I think more women should stop having children. Its better that way. And if they get pregnant accidentally, then it's best if they abort them.

    I only date women who has no children and don't want them.

  18. Yes...because that's the first thing men ask themselves when meeting a woman....

    "hmm, i wonder if she's had an abortion...i sure hope so, or else there's no hope for this relationship!"



    Nods and smiles at questioner's attempt to justify her stupidity.

  19. id prefer you to have had an abortion, the earlier the better so your b*****s aren't left sagging or with stretchmarks.

  20. I prefer that she didn't have an abortion. Does this mean I wouldn't marry a woman with a child? At this time, yes, because I'm not yet out of college, can barely support myself, and wouldn't marry anyone anyway. I'm not in a hurry besides. Would I marry a woman who had a child? Sure, if I was financially capable of supporting the child with her.

    Cogito: I TDed you because you referred to a woman who got pregnant as being 'S****y,' yet by the fact you use protection you're not exactly abstinent yourself. So I reason you either are under the illogical impression that a woman who has s*x is S****y if she gets pregnant and not S****y if she doesn't, or that you use a double standard between your partners and yourself.

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