
Men, had a long term affair but stayed married for kids? ?

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How did you end it with your girlfriend and how did she take it? Did she try to contact you? Were you ever able to be friends with her as time went on and if so, how much time?




  1. I'm not a man, but would like to throw in a piece of advice. If you're in this situation, get a divorce! Your children will resent you more once they find out about your affair (and they will find out). What's done in the dark will come out to the light. My parents stayed married for us kids and the whole time, we were secretly wishing they would divorce. They didn't get along, they didn't even sleep in the same bed. They tried to pretend things were ok, but we could see right through it. We found out about our dad's affair after he died and it was very hard for me not to hate him. I was angry because he lied and betrayed us for years. All he had to do was walk away. It would have hurt, but not as much as it ended up hurting  us in the end.  

  2. I'm sorry to say this but there is no such thing as staying married for kids. It is a white lie to cover the fear of the unknown. If you leave your wife for that woman, what then? the excitement will go away! then what? Anyone who cheats is not staying for their kids because the affair doesn't only affect the wife/husband, but also the kids and if you cared about your kids, you wouldn't have an affair, but have an amicable divorce

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