
Men, have you ever thought of a woman as "The One"?

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and realized you were wrong?




  1. Yes, it usually happens when a guy is dating only one woman at a time.  Its easy to look good without any competition.

  2. More times than I have fingers and toes.

    After that I lost count!

  3. no

    have been married 28 years and never have regretted it for 1 day still happily married  

  4. Before I was married to my wonderful wife of 9 years there were two relationships that I was in that I thought might be heading to the alter... they both ended as they usually do...  But I know now that I was not ready to be married or to be a husband to anyone. The love that I have for my wife is so much more than the combination of "like and lust" that I had in previous relationships. I thought the last one was the "One" but we ended up breaking up the day after Thanksgiving  after both of our families grilled us about getting married... we both kind of realized right then and there that we were treading water and that neither one of us wanted to be married to the other... a tearless break-up..... anyway... I am lucky that it did not work out because my wife is everything to me.

  5. Yes.  I was very into this girl for almost 6 years.  We were the best of friends. I was certain - and everyone who knew us was certain, too - that she and I would eventually be married.  She never wanted the relationship to go romantic.  We continued to be the best of friends.  She knew I wanted more; she stayed in the friendship with the understanding that it was friendship.  I remained convinced that we would be married.  It wasn't until we were in college that I met someone else.  The new girl and I began to develop a friendship and our love grew.  We eventually married and have been married for 13 years now.  There have been ups and downs, but I don't regret it for one minute.  My wife is my best friend and I have grown into being a much better person because of our relationship.

    So, for your question, I can answer that I've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.

  6. haha oh yeah mate

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