
Men, how many of you have a female boss,?

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and does it bother you at all to work for a woman? What are your thoughts?




  1. i do and she loves my smile:P.. i love workin for her

  2. I'm going to tell you all a story you are not going to believe. I had a female boss that became interested in me and it really intimidated me.She was a very wealthy woman and I couldn't believe it,but it seems like there is always a down side to happiness.She wanted to buy me everything.A new truck,took me to the casinos,paid for my meals. I did not take the truck.I had a ride. Here is the downside. She didn't take care of her you know what and I thought I would pass out from the smell.I also caught her with drugs. I ended the relationship and as you know I had the option to quit the job or get fired. I quit. I don't care how much money a person has,I can't be bought and I don't accept drugs in my relationships. What I am wondering is why do I miss her so.

  3. I'm the boss in my household cuz my wife says I am. ;)

  4. I'm a woman, but I'll answer anyway:

    I have two bosses, one male, one female. They're so similar that there's literally no difference in how much I like them.

  5. I think that today women can develop

    their capacity and feel implemented in all fields indeed being much it certain and soon there combative

    "exceed" happy to answer this question

    precisely because last week came the new boss and is a woman. I see it very favorably even if

    really makes me uncomfortable when wearing spiked heels,

    tight jeans or miniskirts because I think something else, of course it is right that a woman if he wishes

    can express their femininity, I have to get used

  6. I don't mind working for a woman, but to be honest I have more bad experiences working for female bosses and colleagues than I have with men. It just seems to be easier for me to talk to a male workmate/boss without them - for some reason - thinking I am trying to undermine them in some way. Maybe its just that women feel less secure at work than men? It doesn't seem to matter how much respect I treat female colleagues with, its just harder work dealing with even very minor issues - they so often turn into some sort of drama for no good reason.

  7. i have 5 female bosses.

    i enjoy and respect working with each and everyone of them.

  8. im self employed but i have had female bosses and ive had no problems, except there was one and she was new, she liked women but she didn't like men, everyone was bullied but it was the men in particular that she targeted, myself and another guy walked, the rest followed, it is an all female company now.

  9. I am my own boss

    But I do have women and men clients.

    To tell the truth, I just dont like the idea of someone else being my boss. So I ended up with many, my clients.

    But I have seen responsible men and irresponsible men, responsible women and irresponsible women. Its not a gender issue but more of a person to person issue.

  10. Yeah. I don't care what the person is as long as they aran't an a*****e and they respect me.

  11. I do, she's great - respectful, professional, gets on with her job well, and lets those answerable to her do likewise without interfering or micro-managing. Communicative (but not unnecessarily so) and sensitive, too. But I suppose there is a pretty positive atmosphere in the company/department/office more generally, too.

    Individual character strikes me as being more important than s*x, in such matters, really.

    Although in another way it is quite positive to have a boss of the opposite s*x, in as much as there is no sense that one is "imitating" her - in a sense an element of professional competition (or false superficial mateyness) that could exist with a boss of the same s*x - is somehow diffused.

    So, no complaints. And a fair bit of praise.

  12. I have a female supervisor, which is my direct boss. Although the main boss above her is a man. It's not really something that I think about.

  13. I report to 4 different managers, 2 of them are female, 1 is great to work for, 1 is difficult. It is the same breakdown for the men.

    It doesn't matter which s*x your boss is, idiots are idiots and if your personalities conflict there may be problems. Man or woman.

  14. My immediate supervisor is a female, and the three bosses ahead of her (who are also her bosses) are male.

    No, it doesn't bother me at all. I never thought about it before reading your question, just like wondering if it bothers me that she's from Minnesota.

  15. I have had 2 female bosses and both were okay.  It never bothered me that my boss was a woman.

  16. No, I don't.

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