
Men, how would you feel if a woman decided to cheat on you because you are always working?

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I don't hear this too often but I love to hear women who say, "Well I cheated on him because he's always working and never gives me attention. He takes care of his family and everything but he just doesn't pay any attention to me. I feel more loved with suchnsuchaperson." Now this isn't a 100% real quote (except for the "cheated on him because he always works.), but...if you don't have this problem, share some advice with men like this. Although I still have my "innocence" and I did kinda ask this question before, I still fear becoming a "workaholic".




  1. Well I would feel really pissed, if I put some effort forward to spend SOME time with her on her iniciative.

    However if he works much and isnt even willing to work out with her how to spend some time toegether I could understand, just like I can understand a man going to a prostitute because she uses the children as an excuse to reduce s*x to once a month.

    Also nice haircut :p

  2. Time to ditch the woman. There were alternatives.

    If the wife wasn't happy she should have discussed the problem with her husband. If he still didn't listen then she should have left him before sleeping with anyone else.

  3. I think it depends on the scenario. Cheating is always wrong but...

    Did she repeatedly tell him how unhappy she was that he was never around ? Did he make any effort to change if she did ?

    Where were they financially ie. Was it even an option that he could take more time off work ?

    For me, it would not matter. I'd leave her. I merely might understand why she did it more or less depending on her reasons... To me though, cheating is a sign that you do not truly love the other person. They were merely better then being alone. Love places the other persons well-being above your own. Cheating is the opposite.

  4. That's the whole story of my 1st marriage. Well, the story is i got married at 23. A year later we bought a house that we really couldn't afford. We BOTH had the understanding that if we struggle now, we will have something when we get older. Well i worked 2 jobs and we both were in the Army Reserves. She moved to my hometown. Her idea not mine. I was the nice guy. Basically whatever she wanted. She wouldn't stop, she thought we were rich. So, i just kept working to provide the things she wanted instead of what she needed. There were plenty of signs, i just kept to the original script. She bought a bird, a cat, always over her mother's house. One time she cried and begged me to stay home from work. How could i, bills need to be paid. All she kept saying is i cared more about the house than her. It was her d**n idea/convincing in the first place. So one day, i heard those dreaded words, "we need to talk". You already know the rest.

    A lesson thoroughly learned.

  5. This happened to me cousin... twice.

    His first wife cheated on him b/c he was always working. He was at that point working grounds at a local resort and then coming home and helping his dad with his logging business. She left him when she got caught.

    His second wife was the real idiot in the bunch. They lived together for 5 years before she insisted that he marry her, but they had known each other for 20 years. She knew how he was: she even helped him start his own business. She cheated on him with a guy at work and then left him when she got caught.

    These girls know that he's never going to be around, they know he gets up at 5 and goes to bed at midnight, when he gets home. His only playtime is Wednesday night and Sunday. So, in his case, the girls are asking for trouble.

  6. i think we are to hung up on ownership, i use the french system

  7. would think great! now i dont feel bad about banging my secretary.

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