
Men, which type of women do you feel inferior to?

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what features of women make you feel like you are inferior to the woman?

is it like a physical size? or strength? or the degrees? or money or wut??

I am not competing against anyone, but I just like to know.




  1. You really believe a guy will admit to ever feeling inferior? h**l no !!

  2. Inferior too - mmm I wonder why do you seek such a knowlege.

    Do you hold great fear of men? A need to have them inferior to you?

  3. No women make me feel inferior. We are all human beings, no one superior to anyone else.

  4. the kind of men who feel inferior are the majority of men that post on here that feel the need to prove their so called 'manliness'. its really lame and luckily the majority of men in real life are not like this.

  5. I don't feel inferior to any woman but I do think that many women try to make their men feel inferior starting with their mothers.

  6. have to agree with Elf#3....maybe you should try replacing the word 'inferior' with the word 'intimidating' and see what type of response you might man will ever admit feeling inferior unless he is caught peeing on then he would have some other kind of excuse like his aim was off or offense to the guys - really...the mental image of my own comment made me laugh - sorry!

    I would try to rephrase or reword it a bit - something they could connect with better! - I don't even like to admit feelings of inferiority and I'm a woman! LOL! ;)

  7. women fought for equal rites, so don't expect me to open a door, pay for dinner, or anything else. you asked for it so i just treat women like i treat men as equals. as far as a women being a boss i never had one, if i did i would hope to be treated as a equal also. if a women makes more money than me i look for someone in my wage catagory yes it is intimidating to be outwaged. if a women's larger than me that's also intimidating not fat but taller by a couple of inches. i prefer a women of same size or a little smaller. why is it that skinney pretty women think that the world owes them something? and a fat women is happy with a good looking skinney guy. the skinney pretty woman fat guy, or fat girl skinney guy senario i never understood.  

  8. I never feel inferior to a woman, only BECAUSE she is a women, but I have in the past felt inferior to people who have achieved things I haven't. Now I just don't worry about it.

  9. I don't feel inferior to women. I just like to feel them when they want me to.

  10. What a loaded question!

    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

    Eleanor Roosevelt  

  11. I fear no man

  12. Once again you are another person missing the point this section is GENDER and Womens study, what in you brain do you suppose the word GENDER denotes or is referring to?

    In case you miss even this point….

    The male s*x is the first gender in the ‘G&WS the “and women” refers to the second gender

    It is cleverly done and on purpose

    As for your question, i think I know why you were prompted to ask it

    But because men attempt to get us to look at life from a logic point of view, does not mean that they feel inferior to women

    Feminist will say “we can do anything men can do”, men will say “then prove it” this gets a awful lot of women upset, but it’s the way men think

    Feminist sound like they are spoiling for a fight, and when they are called out they then cry to everyone, the courts, the law, the government etc

  13. Sorry only women feel this emotion of inferiority.

    Think of this, MEN don't actually feel inferior to even the strongest fastest deadliest animal on the planet because we know in our brains who and what we are

    People are afraid based on what they know about themselves inside

    So only the female mind can conceive what you are thinking about, and when men become feminize they also start to take on this mindset, some end-up on death row, following this thinking leading to dangerous behaviour

  14. no women or man

  15. You just like to start controversy, don't you?


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