
Men, women become "empowered" by useful information.

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Do you or have you intentionally & deliberately withheld information from a women that would have helped make any task easier for her?

And to the ladies, has this withholding of information by a man ever happened to you and how did you resolve this dilema once you discovered it was happening?




  1. Interesting question...and suppose the ultimate examples of that are barriers to women succeeding in most institutions, historically and in contemporary society, as its absurd to argue that sexism no longer exists when you read the first answer your question warranted on here!

    Women are often conned into thinking men will play by the same rules as they do...and when information is withheld are dismayed by it, experienced this in academia, NGO, and in, now, that I'more experienced I would be more careful with information sharing, and always remember who has the power to change things!

  2. No I have never done that but a woman has done that to me at work.  Her superior was a woman who sided with her

    (they had seniority) so I left the job for another one.  

    Good luck.  

  3. I don't make  a habit of being deceitful to men or women.

  4. Perhaps he just thought that he didn't have to hold your hand and that you could figure it out all by yourself.

    Isn't that what feminists want?

    Maybe he thought that offering up help would be an intrusion, maybe you just seem stubborn

  5. How does bickery fit in the women and gender studies section ?

  6. I've never done that and I think I will never do that.

  7. What a completely sexist question. Everybody withholds information from others for various reasons, and many times it is only in hindsight that one can tell just how useful that information may have been to someone else. The fact is, any knowledge if had and used correctly can be useful, even if slightly so. But men don't just withhold information from women or women from men. Men will withhold information from men and women from women. And even if that information withheld could have helped the person it is being withheld from, it doesn't mean it was withheld for that reason. Sometimes and maybe oft times information is withheld because it pertains more to the person having that information than it does to anyone else who wants that information.

  8. Maybe he thought you were cute or funny looking, what was it you were trying to do?

  9. No it has never happed to me.  Even if it had I would I know?  Unless it cam out later that the man purposely with held information from you, it sounds more like paranoia.

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