
Men's Question : Why are women such fascinating creatures? ?

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Shoot it lads!




  1. Because we are so mysterious.  

  2. it is like science , anything unknown is fascinating  and open for discovery ...  You can safely say that the female versions of us are the real mysteries of life ...  

    Take Care  

  3. Lol,  you lot are mad! xxxx

  4. They're not fascinating, they're are a pain in the a.rse.

  5. Women have two X chromosomes, whereas Men have an X and a Y. The Y chromosome is useless.

  6. yeah men are beasts but lets face it girls we love it x

  7. Main Entry: crea·ture  

    Pronunciation: \ˈkrē-chər\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin creatura, from Latin creatus, past participle of creare

    Date: 14th century

    1: something created either animate or inanimate: as a: a lower animal; especially : a farm animal

    b: a human being

    c: a being of anomalous or uncertain aspect or nature <creatures of fantasy>

    It works.

    WHY are they so fascinating? I don't know, but I find them completely captivating...  

  8. b***s they have b***s plus other things.

  9. Creatures indeed.

    Whilst you must agree men are Beasts.

  10. As you get older, you start to see through it all. Once you've understood what lies beneath, they cease to be fascinating.

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