
Men's physical please help!

by  |  earlier

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ok i am 13 and i have a physical in about 2 weeks and i m********e everyday pretty much does the sperm show in the pee and can the Doctor tell if u m********e by looking at your d**k?




  1. No....and they won't care anyway.

  2. why does it matter, he knows you do without any tests

    in fact at 13 they may be concerned if you weren't

    make sure to ask the doctor ANY questions you have

  3. no he can not tell. and it wouldn't matter any way cause every guy does it.  

  4. they'll have no idea. they grab ur balls to see if u have cancer.

  5. no they can't

  6. Skip the day before your physical and your pee should be fine.

    Your Dr. can tell if it's red or has scabs from excessive roughness. Masturbation is fairly common beginning at about your age; the Dr. will probably assume that you engage in the practice. Don't be afraid to bring up the subject if you have questions.

  7. No

  8. hahah na man your good

  9. dude the doc would be more worried if you DIDNT m********e...that would be just weird!

  10. Nope.  You're good to go.

  11. This is an amazing question. It truly is.

    No man, it's not like your sperm combines with your pee. there's a gland that shuts off your urge to pee when you m********e.

    And besides, Masturbation is as common as a cold with teenagers. your not alone and your sure as h**l not weird for doing it.

  12. Nope

  13. i have one in 3 months and 1 more i december all this year justr because of my groth

  14. The answer to both questions is no.

  15. no they can't  

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