
Men: Are any of you shy about using a public restroom?

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I don't know what it is, but I find it difficult to use a public restroom. Even when I've got to go, and someone is standing next to me taking a leek, I can't get mine started! If I'm alone, I have no problem. If I'm already in progress and someone walks in and stands next to me at the urinal I'm still okay. It's only when there are other guys in there taking care of business that I find it takes me a long long time before I can get started. I hate just "standing there" knowing that the other guys are probably wondering why they don't hear any pee hitting the water. Why does this happen? Any advice on how to get over this anxiety?




  1. I got used to it, and am fine with it now. I used to be nervous about it when I was younger.

  2. No, when I gotta pee I gotta pee.

  3. Its normal (im not nervous about that or anything though)

  4. You are getting nerves for some reason try to relax. If it's your bits which you think are a bit small or odd in some way the chances are that their perfectly normal there are thousands of men with this same problem stop worrying and let it flow  

  5. if i have to go bad enough, it don,t bother me to use public restrooms, but before i sit down, i wipe the seat off first, incase someone has crabs.

  6. Don't worry, we all have that problem once in a while.

    Except at the bar and drinking beer.

    It is sometimes called "pee shy"

  7. sounds like you are like me and like looking around to be safe

  8. I only get shy when there's no dividers and other guys could see my p***s.

    As far as hearing the pee hit the water goes, I usually aim for the side or back of the urinal just so it doesn't make noise. So they usually don't hear anything when I'm peeing. I don't think anybody would notice that.

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